Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kids say the Darnest Things

SO this is a true story:

I babysit two kids, they shall be called Thing #1 and Thing #2 ranked in order of oldest to youngest.  I’ve been with these kids for quite a while now, and we have gotten to be extremly close.  One day during a meal, Thing #1 falls and says “im a cat i always land on all fours”

So i of course, immediatly say “just like Jensen Ackles!!” because there is a gag reel of him falling and saying something similar to that…and he is always on my mind obviously

Then the questions start…Who is that? where is he from? why? whats the show called? who else is on it? whats the show about? why is it about that? why do you like it? why does he say that? why? why? why?

Its like the question brigade and if my answers would help them magically understand all of lifes problem, (it wont by the way, in case you were wondering) but the questions never stopped. Finally i said enough, and then decided not to answer any more questions, and so that was then end of that…or so i though!

Then the most amazing thing happened, or like my doom, one or the other. They were jumping on the furnature which is a big no-no and so i started to yell (more like raised voices) and then Thing # 1 says (out of no where!) “JENSEN ACKLES!” and so im like WAIT…WHAT?!

Because anyone yelling Jensen Ackles while your yelling at them, is enough to throw anyone off their guard at any point. and Thing #1 heard me talk about him once, (just once i swear!) and here she is saying him name while im mad. totally unfair! How can anyone stay mad, when little children are saying Jensen Ackles, and thats it thats all she says, Jensen Ackles and then she smiles, so I SMILE!

How does she even remember his name? and darn it she used it against me so well, she just kept repeating him name over and over till  im laughing and shes laughing and OMG its horrid.

Shes like an elephant she never forgets!

Now she knows that whenever im mad all she has to say is two simple words, and i can’t be mad anymore, i have to smile, cause its Jensen Friggin Ackles….

She knows my weakness…now shes going to use it against me all the time!

Damn her im ruined! Ruined i say!


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