Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Microwaves work

Ever wonder how a mircowave works? Here’s the skinny:

The microwave oven consists of a magnetron tube, which converts electricity into high frequency microwaves. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, like light waves or radio waves, and occupy a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves cause food molecules to vibrate rapidly, creating friction that produces heat which then cooks the food. In other words, food cooked in a microwave simply absorbs microwave and turns their energy into thermal energy, which cooks the food. Microwaves are colourless, odourless, tasteless, and these are not radioactive.

Microwave oven is one of the most energy efficient appliances money can buy today. For example, it takes 18 times the electricity to bake a potato in a regular oven than in a microwave. Microwaves cook from the outside towards the center of the food.

Microwave ovens are faster for most cooking jobs because the energy heats the food and not the oven or the containers. They don’t also heat up the kitchen, especially in the summer time like the other cooking appliances.


Que tipo de livro sou eu?

You Are Mystery

You are a natural problem solver. You like figuring out the best way to do something.

You are very intuitive. You are good at picking up on people’s moods and predicting the future.


You can’t help but being a bit of a detective and a snoop. You always want to know what’s going on.

And while you may have the scoop on everyone you know, you’re not a gossip. You’re a pro at keeping secrets.

What Kind of Book Are You? Blogthings: We’re Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet Minha cara, de fato =O Preguiça de traduzir =~


Little vacation update - no title in mind, so this will have to do...

So tomorrow is the last day of our “vacation”.  I’m sad to see it end, but I’ve been so lazy that I think I need to get back to work in order to feel like I’m on some sort of schedule.  I could seriously sleep myself to death because when I don’t have something that needs to be done and I have the option to not do it, I sometimes am taken over by The Lazy, which results in me laying down and sleeping the day away.  It’s nice for a little while, but then you start to feel like a real bum.  It’s lame.

Today was another nice [read:  lazy] day.  We were going to go into NYC but James’ stomach started hurting badly, so we stayed back at Pat/Marisa’s & just relaxed.  James’ parents went to get some Five Guys take-out for us, then we just took a nap.  Yes, a nap.  Soooo lazy.  But don’t judge – it’s my damn vacation and I can do what I please!  When we finally got up, James’ parents came to get us and we went to see “The Men Who Stare At Goats”.  I thought it was a decent film.  I had heard some negative reviews, but I try not to let that cloud my judgement when going to see a movie.  It was very different.  It had elements of a comedy, drama, and indie film, all rolled into one.  After that, we went to the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton, NJ for some eats.  Had an awesome chocolate milkshake there.  It really hit the spot!

Now James & I are chilling at Pat/Marisa’s with their doggies [Einstein & Tesla].  Pat’s at work & Risa is out with a friend who is visiting from FL.  James is reading one of their bagillion comic books [Risa works for DC Comics, so it's to be expected.]  I’m just surfing & blogging, like I tend to do.  It’s nice and relaxing.

Random sidenote:  I’ve noticed that my face has been a lot clearer in the past weeks, and I read something in a magazine that explains something that might have to do with it – drinking green tea.  I knew that green tea has antioxidents in it that make it so good for you, but I think that drinking so much of it [specifically Wegman's Just Tea green tea - it's the best beverage on the planet!] has helped my skin a lot.  I don’t think that’s all of it – I’ve been using Neutrogena On-The-Spot acne treatment daily, and have been washing my face in the am and before bed.  Those things combined have helped me achieve better-looking skin.  So yeah, that makes me feel pretty good.  Now I just want to lose a few pounds.  When I’m back home, I’m going to get back to my workout grind in a hardcore way, so I guess I should mentally prepare myself now!


Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sometimes I wonder whether people have lost their compassion and have become too absorbed in their own lives. I was out walking the other morning. It was raining and the footpaths were wet. Along the way I passed an old lady leaning against a shop wall. I assumed she was tired and having a rest. I didn’t give her another thought and just carried on walking. About 30 minutes later, in a different part of the city, I turned a corner to find the same lady laying on the footpath.

I stopped and asked if she was in any sort of pain. She told me she was on her way home from early Mass and had stumbled on the slippery footpath. She had broken her two front teeth and seemed quite disorientated. I stopped the next person who walked by and asked if they had a mobile phone. She was a tourist from another country and was more than happy to phone for an ambulance.

While we waited for the paramedics to arrive I counted at least 15 people who walked past us. They either looked the other way or pretended not to see us standing there. A number of cars also drove by but only one driver stopped to help and offer his big warm jacket to the old lady.

Shortly after that the ambulance arrived. The paramedics assessed her and agreed that she needed to be taken to hospital. After the paramedics left, I thanked the tourist for her help and walked home.

The old lady has been on my mind and I’ve been wondering if she has recovered. I don’t know her name but she was a nice old lady and I really hope she is okay.


1st entry

blog baru lagi.. masuk kali ni tah brp byk blog yg aku buat..tapi xpa, blog ni x menggunakan nickname yg aku slalu guna..jd dilarang sama sekali menaip nickname aku kt sini..

slalu guna blogspot, skrg ni nak try guna wordpress plak..knp guna sekut tiger? sbb aku suka makan sekut tiger dan sbb aku garang mcm tiger.. aku br try2 ni, nanti nk tukaq skin bg cun sikit..

raya kali ni cm biasa jugak..hari 1st x leh nk p mana, start dr balik smyg raya sampai la kul7.15 pm, org x berenti dtg, sampai cemuih basuh pinggan, last2 duduk dlm bilik, layan bdk2 kecik ni main game.. hr ni br buleh kuar p beraya umah sedara. Sakit gg aku makan daging byk sgt. Makan la lagi, time makan x ingat pulak

cuti ada lg 3 hari, kuiz n assignment aku x abis tanda lagi..serabutnyaaaaa


Cheer Up! :)

Wang Lee Hom (王力宏) never seizes to amaze me. My love for him grows.

Ever since i have listened to his song 春雨裡洗過的太陽 (from the album《心跳》 or heart beat) i just can’t stop listening to it.

I lol-ed when i heard “世界會等我 它會問我冬天過去了沒”
I thought what an arrogant thing to say, yet it sounded so funny. ;) ) i like it.

春雨裡洗過的太陽 is a “feel good song”. It literally makes you feel good. from the sound of the raindrops, to the tune of the song… It’ll make you feel light hearted.

some of my friends have been feeling down/hurt by some unnecessary actions by some of our other friends, so i sort of dedicate this entry to them

(not that they know i even have a blog XD)

here’s another light-hearted video. :) )
I’m not an elmo fan, but this was just too funny.

(i have linked this to one of them friends :) )


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Kolejny początek

Pierwszy wpis na blogu. Cóż tu dużo pisać. Może zacznę od tego dlaczego w ogóle próbuje ( tak , próbuje ;) ) mieć bloga. Otóż sprawa jest prosta – na codzień i tak nikt by nie wysłuchiwał moich wynurzeń i przemyśleń a co najbardziej oczywiste – nikt nie słucha “na serio” moich narzekań. Tak więc postanowiłam puszczać swoje myśli w przestrzeń – zapewne i tak mało kto to będzie czytał, ale przecież nie o to tu chodzi , nie ? ;)

A teraz parę słów o sobie – jestem ( podobno ) zabawną osóbką, bardzo cenię sobie uśmiech innych – jakoś nie lubię gdy ktoś patrzy na mnie wilkiem więc nie staram sie nikomu utrudniać życia. Przynosi mi to niewymierne korzyści – krytykę słyszę raz na ruski rok, zawsze znajdzie się ktoś chętny do pomocy mi i wszyscy z radością mnie witają ( albo gratuluję talentów aktorskich :)   )  W czasie wolnym od szkoły staram się rysować – właściwie robię to głównie w czasie lekcji , ale generalnie szczegół :D Poza tym z radością czytuję mangi i oglądam anime :) Jestem też dożywotnim wielbicielem zwierząt ( nie wszystkich rzecz jasna ;P ) a szczególnie kotów – nigdy nie mogłam  mieć żadnego ;C i … świnek morskich! <3 tak tak , generalnie mam w pokoju właśnie takowego małego przyjaciela – Fredek Świnia ;) Biedactwo jest obiektem moich zwierzeń … poza tym jestem kompletnie pod wpływem uroku XIX wiecznej Anglii i ich angielskości ; ) Tyle na wstęp starczy , mam nadzieję że znajdzie się jakiś nieszczęśnik który to przeczyta ;P

Izz :)


What Use Is It To Slumber Here?

so, in the summer I read Emily Brontë’s book “Wuthering Hights”, which I totally loved. I litterally walked with my suitcase in one hand, book in the other on my way home from Turkey. After that, I read her poems, which were really good.

so, when we for english lit. class had to chose a poem, I chose:

“What use is it to slumber here”
By Emily Brontë

What use is it to slumber here:
Though the heart be sad and weary?
What use is it to slumber here
Though the day rise dark and dreary?
For that mist may break when the sun is high
And this soul forget its sorrow
And the rose ray of the closing day
May promise a brighter morrow.


UmmHmffm...I have an announcement

As some of you know, I’ve been posting irregularly, primarily because the only thing on my mind is this baby thing, and well, I can’t think of anything else to share.

So, before I get to my announcement, a delightful blogger — you can see her here — who is going through a very similar situation to me, gave me a very wonderful little blogging award, which is incredibly sweet, and I have yet to fulfill my obligations on that, but I will.

The announcement (like it’s really that suspenseful)…I have started a new blog. OK, now before we get ahead of ourselves I know there are a few skeptics out there given my erratic posting to this one as of late, but I fully intend to write both. Yes, that’s write, you now get double the pleasure.

My new blog is all about trying to conceive. See, here’s my thoughts on this. As I said, right now baby-making is what’s on my mind most, but I feel kind of guilty writing just on that, because I got to figure that maybe not everyone who reads this blogs cares about when I am and am not ovulating. Not that anyone really cares about all of the other happenings I write about, but whatever. So I thought, maybe it would be best to have a place that’s just for those sort of topics. And this blog will remain my place to air my feelings and write whatever it is I want.

The result of all this is The Fertilely-Challenged Black Sheep, kind of a a goofy title I know, but it seemed fitting. So, if anyone wants to check it out, please feel free. It is here. If not, that’s fine as well I will continue to write here and don’t worry, when my day comes I will be sure to announce it all over the place.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ah, I finished my Tuesday morning classes about an hour ago. I have a few options hmm.

  • Go home, get the rest of my textbooks and my laptop to go to Richmond and study at Aberdeen (just because the atmsophere makes me more motivated..and I’m not really motivated right now)
  • Go home, and stay home.
  • Go to McGill to study.
  • Stay at SFU to study. At this rate..I need a computer later on to do my enrollment stuff and it seems SFU might be packed..
  • Go to Metrotown library.

Which one, which one. Oh so hard. Hahahahhaahhahahaa. I think..I’ll just go home. Ah, but studying in Richmond will be fun. I think I’ll do that tomorrow or something. And also go to yoga class on Friday if possible. YEAH.

motivation, motivation!!!


When can I enjoy my life?

Do you think the topic of my article is a bit harsh? It might be, but I would be lying if I denied asking myself this question. I thought I would be over being let down, again, regarding work here in Australia, but that would also be a lie if a claimed I am okay at the moment.

The plan was to sit down and look for work today, but I got an offer from the university today. I am asked to take one year to get the demanded credentials to study a bachelor; but that too has not worked  out as I thought it would. Instead of starting school in February I start late June; and from what I can understand I can not deduct that from the bachelor degree, as I was told I could do. That means I might be spending at least four years studying.
As I do not start until June it gives me more stress about money. I kind of hoped to start in February as then I would at least get some student loan money to live of if I still have not been offered a job.

It seems like the only accomplishment I have managed to pull off is getting a learners license after just living here for one month. Other than that I have just been meeting resistance after resistance. When I have managed to climb one wall, I am met with another wall that needs to be climbed.

The only thing I can do is to just hope to get a job and send out my resume like crazy, but I have been doing that for a while now and I am starting to lose patience and motivation.
Even if I could join the armed forces I would not do it now, as I refuse to lose me EU citizenship. It is not until now I understand how good that is. I can freely move around in EU. Hopefully we will be back within five years.

Hopefully everything will eventually work out for me too.
At the moment it just seems a bit hopeless.

I exist, that is all, and I find it nauseating.
- Sartre


the ugly truth.

I have more stories to blog about now than ever before, including the early days when everything in the gay world was new and exciting and confusing. I’ve got stories of drugs, sex and rock & roll (and I’m not just using a famous phrase, I mean that). There are porn stars and sugar-daddies. Three-somes and bribery. Complicated relationships. Infidelity and HIV. Celebrities of all stripes. Travel, jealousy and family issues. Dating drama, money woes, and health concerns. Fabulous parties and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Funny predicaments and substance abuse. New hobbies and new vices. Friends and happiness and a lot of gratitude. And, of course, LOVE. And loss.

If I do say so myself, my life is really interesting now. And it has all the elements that would make a good blog. Plenty of moral dilemmas about which y’all could opine (and slam me and my friends, as you do). Plenty of learning experiences for the young ones. Plenty of craziness through which others could live vicariously. Plenty of variety and room for growth. I regret that I’m not writing it down so I can remember it when I’m old and boring.

But every time I feel like sitting down to write something, which is often, I think about all the people who are reading it. And it’s not that I’m becoming a more private person, or that the stakes are higher (for me). It’s just that I don’t feel like I’m in control of my story any longer. I always made calculated risks in what I wrote, because almost no story is JUST about me. There was always a slim chance that I’d offend somebody in real life. But lately, every time I make that calculation, it isn’t worth the risk.

Part of it is that a small but increasing number of the cast of characters whose lives intertwine with mine DO have a lot to lose. I can’t tell some of my best stories because they’re also their stories, and I’m not about to be that guy who tips off TMZ. For example, a couple months ago, [____] admitted to me that [____] had [____], right after they [____], which is a pretty damn far cry from the Jesus-freak he portrays himself to be. And it’s a really fucking hot story, too. And just last weekend, I had this FANTASTIC story about [_____] and [____], wearing [____] and [____], naturally, since it was Halloween, getting walked in on by [_____], of all people, while we were busy [_____] in a [_____], just after I [_____]. And just a few hours before that, [_____] came within inches of [_____], not to mention [_____], because he was [_____]. It was all very exciting and sexy and extremely funny, and my first thought was to come home and blog about it. But it’s not really that funny with all the details beeped out, is it? No, it’s not. At all. Even I’m annoyed when I use [____], which is becoming increasingly common. It’s not that I couldn’t disguise things enough that you couldn’t guess. But if it ever did get out, I wouldn’t want to have to explain to my friends why I told the whole world [____], even in a disguised form.

But that’s only a small fraction of the stories that don’t make it here. I guess, for the most part, it’s that I don’t want to have to explain myself in real life. I’m not ashamed of anything I would write about, because I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve been doing. But back in the beginning, I knew I’d never have to answer for it. It’s one thing for tens of thousands of strangers to get a laugh about some masturbation mishap, or whatever I used to write about. It’s another thing to have somebody bring it up at dinner. And even the knowing glance is more than I want to deal with.

If you keep a diary, you’ll understand. You wouldn’t particularly care if some random guy in Indonesia who you’ll never meet reads it. But you wouldn’t want your friends reading it, even if it were totally vanilla. If you thought they might, you wouldn’t write very much. You want to control the release of information to those you love, not because you want to hide it, but because that’s how relationships are supposed to work. I want to WATCH my friends laughing about [_____] when I tell the story in person, rather than have them laugh in front of their computer when I’m not there. I want to explain to somebody how they hurt my feelings, rather than have them read about it as if it were a news story. Blogging used to feel like I was writing a private journal. Now it feels like I’m writing an email to my friends. And there are certain things you just don’t say in an email to friends.

Anyway, if you’re a new blogger starting out, my advice is this: NEVER reveal your identity. It’ll be the death of your blog. If I could hit the reset button and erase the memory of my blog from everybody in Chicago, Boston and New York, I’d do it, and then I’d write a lot more (wait, is there a way to do that? Can I block the IP addresses of whole cities?) I guess I could start over with a new blog, and try to build new readership. But that’s more work than I’m willing to put in.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not quitting. Every now and then I think of things I want to write about, and I’ll continue to do so. I guess I just felt like lamenting. It’s not what it used to be, and that makes me sad.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Politics and Life

If you are an Indian (I am one, and I am extremely proud to be an Indian), you would be cursing the politicians for at least 10 times every day. You start for your office, and as soon as you hit the road, you are shaken, literally, by the n pot holes and you believe “Is desh ka kuch nahi honewala hain”. To borrow a line from swades, if we believe that that is the fate of India, one day you will wake up to see that it has turned into reality. You don’t wear a helmet or don’t carry your license and when a cop stops you, the first thing you do is to pull out a smiling Gandhi from your pocket and offer him as a bribe to the cop. For us, it is OK to be corrupt when it comes to the innumerable such scenarios, but we want the politicians to be spotless. We are fine with voting on the basis of caste, religion and so on.

The corruption among politicians is alarmingly high, but we are not doing enough to keep that in check. We don’t want to take any responsibility on ourselves to change it, not even one bit. Every time someone who you believe is decent says he wants to get into politics, the first thing you ask is why he/she wants to get into such filth. No one wants to clean the filth but everyone believes he is entitled to a fair and corrupt free world. I don’t how that can happen. Let us all do our bit to improve the society before we lose our right to talk. Spend at least one hour in trying to find out who the best candidate is . We watch numerous debates, but long before that we have already made up our minds as to whom we are going to vote for. Let us change that. Let us change ourselves for our own good. And if you believe voting is a waste of time, don’t ever complain because you are as good as dead.

There are always too many Congress MPs, too many BJP MPs, and never enough Indian MPs. (Indian adaptation of There are always too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen, and never enough U.S. congressmen)





Just browsing through when I saw a postcard that I hope people think of when I meet them.





At least then I’d have a chance.

I can’t believe the weekend’s over already. Damn.


Weather, Global Warming and Sydney

The world continues to talk about global warming and the effects it may have on us in the future.  I’m a believer in global warming, just not sure about what the impact will be in the future.

Over the past few days Sydney has seen incredible hot days, strong winds and even a mini isolated storm up on Pittwater (you should see the car!).

Something is changing; can we continue this way?


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Random Poem: Forgetful

Here is another one I found going through some old boxes.

I forgot to forget

the ashes of yesterday.

A reminder of the love

you once gave.

Sometimes I think

you are still alive.

But when I realize you’re not

why did I survive?

You did not want to be

thrust in the ground.

So you were burnt

in your favorite gown.

It came so soon

how quickly you were gone.

Sometimes I think

I can’t go on.

I’m forever indebted

for giving me breath.

How abrupt and awesome

is this thing called death.


Arbejde, sult og flytning

Kom hjem fra arbejde for en halv times tid siden. Jeg skulle arbejde med en pige, som hedder Natasja i dag. Jeg havde mødt hende én gang før, og det var ikke det bedste førstehåndsindtryk jeg fik af hende dengang, men det vendte totalt i dag. Hun er super sød, og vi havde det rigtig hyggeligt. Vi snakkede meget godt sammen, og var enige i rigtig meget om de forskellige ting, som vi sælger. Jeg skulle være på arbejde en halv time før i dag, fordi Diana (min chef) holder fri i dag, og jeg er den eneste, udover Diana, som ved hvordan man skal gøre, når en kunde har lånt noget tøj med hjem, og hun dagen efter kommer med det tøj, som hun ikke vil have alligevel. Så derfor skulle jeg komme lidt før i dag, fordi kunden ville komme ret tidligt. Så får jeg da lige tjent noget ekstra. Det er da altid meget rart.
Da jeg kom hjem, var hele huset ét stort flytterod, fordi min storebror, Simon, flytter til Århus i dag, og han har ikke været hjemme siden onsdag, fordi han lige skulle et smut til Mors med nogle venner. Han har været i USA i tre måneder, og kom først hjem i sidste weekend, så han skulle lige sige hej til alle de savnede venner. Men han havde ikke lige tænkt at han måske ville komme lidt sent hjem, og måske derfor skulle pakke inden han tog afsted til Mors. Men nej nej..

Jeg er helt vildt sulten, men vi skal lige ha’ ordnet det sidste pakkeri inden vi finder frokosten frem.
apropro (?) frokost, så er der julefrokost for min klasse, 1.e, d. 19. december, og er du vimmer, hvor jeg dog glæder mig!! Vi har allerede aftalt hvem der medbringer hvad, og alt det gøjl. Det blir meeeega hyggeligt!

Kids say the Darnest Things

SO this is a true story:

I babysit two kids, they shall be called Thing #1 and Thing #2 ranked in order of oldest to youngest.  I’ve been with these kids for quite a while now, and we have gotten to be extremly close.  One day during a meal, Thing #1 falls and says “im a cat i always land on all fours”

So i of course, immediatly say “just like Jensen Ackles!!” because there is a gag reel of him falling and saying something similar to that…and he is always on my mind obviously

Then the questions start…Who is that? where is he from? why? whats the show called? who else is on it? whats the show about? why is it about that? why do you like it? why does he say that? why? why? why?

Its like the question brigade and if my answers would help them magically understand all of lifes problem, (it wont by the way, in case you were wondering) but the questions never stopped. Finally i said enough, and then decided not to answer any more questions, and so that was then end of that…or so i though!

Then the most amazing thing happened, or like my doom, one or the other. They were jumping on the furnature which is a big no-no and so i started to yell (more like raised voices) and then Thing # 1 says (out of no where!) “JENSEN ACKLES!” and so im like WAIT…WHAT?!

Because anyone yelling Jensen Ackles while your yelling at them, is enough to throw anyone off their guard at any point. and Thing #1 heard me talk about him once, (just once i swear!) and here she is saying him name while im mad. totally unfair! How can anyone stay mad, when little children are saying Jensen Ackles, and thats it thats all she says, Jensen Ackles and then she smiles, so I SMILE!

How does she even remember his name? and darn it she used it against me so well, she just kept repeating him name over and over till  im laughing and shes laughing and OMG its horrid.

Shes like an elephant she never forgets!

Now she knows that whenever im mad all she has to say is two simple words, and i can’t be mad anymore, i have to smile, cause its Jensen Friggin Ackles….

She knows my weakness…now shes going to use it against me all the time!

Damn her im ruined! Ruined i say!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Breathe! This is what I constantly tell myself since this week has been so chaotic and busy. It’s definitely crunch time and by that I don’t mean the candy!(haha) I only have 2 more class days and then its Thanksgiving break. I already know how my break will go. It’s going to be spent working on two cases from my marketing management class that needs to be analyzed with possible solutions, and of course, working. The country club doesn’t shut down for major holidays since most of our members play on those days. Besides working and doing homework, I will also spend some quality time with all my family and eat like every 2 hours. I’m looking forward to all the food, as a matter of fact it’s making my stomach go crazy right now because I’m hungry!

I’m looking forward to watching some movies this weekend when I have free time. I really want to watch the Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and…wait…wait for it…alright I’m a fan..New Moon!!! It’s coming out this weekend but I think they are all sold out already(go figure). I’ll also be working with my group in my services class since we have a group presentation on Monday. So, as much as I would like to chill and not do anything, I can’t because I have work to do before the semester wraps up.

Tonight, I have a bowling league at 7:30 after my class and then I’m going to catch up on last nights episode of Glee since I missed it!!! Welp, I’m off to eat some lunch especially since it’s almost 3 o’clock!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!



Ahh! I just caught the 2012 movie. OMG! It’s freaking tragic. The ending was okay. I’m not gonna describe it here cos it’s a spoiler :|

Yeah anyway I don’t wanna die like that. Wah some more is after O’ Levels Exam leh. I think I’m gonna ditch school before the world comes to an end. Okay it’s not really the end, it’s just a massive wipeout of most humans haha. Hais…Kns lah I don’t think it’ll really happen… Or will it? Eeks. My brother dream of the apocalypse before. So freaky :/ Gahhh! So if you got a faint heart, please DO NOT WATCH IT. Kayy!!! So I’m so drained by this movie… -.- But it’s cool to see all those volcanic eruptions. hurhur. Hey i’m not sadist -.-

So this is how my day ended: Fear. :’(

Stressed and depressed...

Originally uploaded by moonbuggs

I feel like crap. I’m exhausted from literally doing nothing and I feel like crap. Did I mention I feel like crap? I feel so tired and moody. I need to lie down and rest. I have been watching Desperate Housewives and 90210 online and its been quite good. It’s raining too… I feel kinda of suicidal as well. I’m craving my DQ and Cigarettes but I’m totally broke sadly. I feel so tired… I wanna cry but I’m even too exhausted to do that. I fainted a few times these days. I wanna smoke… some Hokkah or Sheesha would be nice too… I needa a smoking buddy too, someone whose willing to smoke some sheesha with me. I’m also invited to a wedding at a five star hotel… My mum is keen for me to go… But I’m still considering it considering I’m still in my anti-social world. I’ve been baking every week too… my cakes are irresistibly goood. I needa buy some polytaslon sweatpants too… I want some adidas ones as well… maybe in pink or gold… Anyways, I gotta go and cry!!! I feel so bad. I needa cry it out with some cigarettes but I’m so broke… gotta wait til end of the month for my allowance… >.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boredom Busters Coming Soon!

If you are really bored, you should cheak out my Boredom Busters page, coming soon! It will have lots of things for you to do, and introducing other websites too! When it comes out, be sure to comment on ideas for boredom busters!

                                                                   Happy Blogging!


What is the purpose of this project?

Firstly, take note that we are a bunch students who are currently on a semester break (well, atleast some of us are).

This project is our gear to;

  1. Add more material to our portfolio.
  2. Gain experience.
  3. Support each other.
  4. Help each other.

And most importantly,

Raise some pocket money, because, being a beginner, we are prone to spend a lot to create a strong portfolio, for instance, the car fuel that we use to go all around and snap photos, the LRT ticket, the SLR film, and sometimes, to go to the clinic, yeah, we get sick once in a while for shooting photos in the acidic KL rain.

This project is seasonal, as for the current season will last only up to February 2010, just  right before our Semester 2 exams, and Hariry’s medic professional exam (right?). Thus, book us now, for jobs that is even in March or June.

We will never know where this road might lead us to. But, for the sake of trying. Here it is. The Rm50 project.

Have a nice evening.

The Randomness of Friday Nights

A while back, my friend and I got bored. This is never a good thing. She came over to pick me up, told me I was driving, then we took off for Russiaville. From Russiaville we ended up in Burlington (where we noticed they did not have a McDonald’s and therefore should be deleted off the map). We continued driving down the road not really caring where we went as long as it wasn’t back home.

We kept driving, and driving….and driving. Finally, we ended up in Logansport! Now, the last time we took a random road-trip we ended up 7 miles from Logansport before we realized we were running low on gas and needed to get home. This time, we kept going and ended up about 10 minutes outside of Logansport (still hadn’t come across a McDonald’s and I was quickly becoming angry. I was starving dang it!).

Before we could go any further from Logansport, Sierra (my friend) felt vibration under her foot in the passenger seat and had me pull over on a side road. She got out and looked under the car. I got out and checked under the car as well and we saw that a piece of the car was coming off! Naturally we decided it was time to get back home. We piled back into the car and headed back to K-Town where we hung out in my garage until she had to get home.

Oh! Forgot to mention that before we headed to Logansport, we stopped off to explore Burlington/Russiaville and ended up on a bridge. We took some pics, saw some coons (raccoons for you non-southern folk), and had deer attempt to kill us. The deer trying to kill us is nothing new. They try that all the time. I’m telling you there’s a deer conspiracy going on. I know there is!!!

We’re hoping once her car gets fixed, or I manage to get a job and able to buy a car; that we can go on another random road-trip. We miss ‘em. Who knows, maybe our friends will tag along.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


There are just some people in your life that you don’t get to choose. They are there, basically set in stone to haunt your life. You can try to ignore their existence, but no matter what they will make it obvious that they are there. I feel nothing for this person and I’m sure this person feels the same towards me. I would not care if this person suddenly drop dead or gets struck by a truck. I’ve tried so hard to make the awful relationship between us work, but no matter how hard I try he always finds a way to fuck up my progress of trying to be nice. People tell me that I don’t really feel this way towards this person and that I would regret all my deathwishes towards if something does happen. I don’t want this person in my life anymore. I’m so close to leaving him behind me forever. I’m sure he would like my out of his life too. After I leave, I feel no need to ever make the effort to talk to him anymore. This creature has been taunting my life for the past 12 years, and so many times where I’ve wished his existence is gone. I want the only thing keeping us in common is our share of blood, nothing else. I’m not going to try to be civilized either when we are grown adults. I will not want to see him anywhere outside of family gatherings. No cups of coffees for us.

I wish death upon you. You’re dead to me.

What do I want...

I tried curling my hair the way I normally do annnnd… well I didn’t like the results. So this is the messy version of my trying to fix it xD

anywaays…. I’ve been trying to figure out my schedule for my next semester.. .basically kinda like what I have now. but more… concentrated.
And I may be able to leave school early since I get out quite early. I’m trying to fix that so I can get another break between classes. I don’t mind staying at school later. I like that actually ^-^;;

Argh is so hard to cordinate everything! >.<;;

What else… oh yea. Since I had the song Wedding dress by Tae yang stuck in my head…
and in church I was tihnking… I watch sooo many wedding shows and look at wedding magazines and photos so much
(now your thinking I’m a wedding fanatic xD) no! I use it to gain dress ideas for cosplays xD especially the ballgown ones.
So I was trying to imagine myself at like… my own wedding and I couldn’t picture it o.o
Well not with some traditional dress xD I want like.. so different that it wows people in a good way.
Heck I wouldn’t mind working on my own dress! Which watch… it’ll end up like that.
I actually see myself earing…Ashe\’s wedding dress from FF13? I don’t remember completely >.<;;
But no I do not see the guy wearing the armor and all… lol! That’d be weird. I just like the dress~ hehe.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Trophy" by L. K. Thayer

Photo by VC Ferry

you parade
your pain
like a
hard won

shine it up
admire it
weigh it

it’s a

and you
share it
pet it
display it

it’s time
to put it


L. K. Thayer

All Rights Reserved

© 2009

Texto de Arnaldo Jabor sobre o MSN

Recebi esse texto por e-mail a algum tempo, sei que ele é antigo e já rolou bastante pela intenet, mas ele é muito bom.

Pra falar a verdade eu meio que me indentifiquei com a opinião expressa no texto.


Sempre odiei o que a maioria das pessoas fazem com os seus MSN’s. Não estou falando desta vez dos emoticons insuportáveis que transformaram a leitura em um jogo de decodificação, mas as declarações de amor, saudades, empolgação traduzidas através do nick.

O espaço ‘nome’ foi criado pela Microsoft para que você digite O NOME que lhe foi dado no batismo. Assim seus amigos aparecem de forma ordenada e você não tem que ficar clicando em cima dos mesmos pra descobrir que ‘Vendo Abadá do Chiclete e Ivete’ é na verdade Tiago Carvalho, ou ‘Ainda te amo Pedro Henrique’ é o MSN de Marcela Cordeiro. Mas a melhor parte da brincadeira é que normalmente o nick diz muito sobre o estado de espírito e perfil da pessoa. Portanto, toda vez que você encontrar um nick desses por aí, pare para analisar que você já saberá tudo sobre a pessoa…

‘A-M-I-G-A-S o fim de semana foi perfeito!!!’ acabou de entrar. Essa com certeza, assim como as amigas piriguetes (perigosas), terminou o namoro e está encalhadona. Uma semana antes estava com o nick ‘O fim de semana promete’. Quer mostrar pro ex e pros peguetes (perigosos) que tem vida própria, mas a única coisa que fez no fim de semana foi encher o rabo de Balalaika, Baikal e Velho Barreiro e beijar umas bocas repetidas. O pior é que você conhece o casal e está no meio desse ‘tiroteio’, já que o ex dela é também conhecido seu, entra com o nick ‘Hoje tem mais balada!’, tentando impressionar seus amigos e amigas e as novas presas de sua mira, de que sua vida está mais do que movimentada, além de tentar fazer raiva na ex. ‘Polly em NY’ acabou de entrar. Essa com certeza quer que todos saibam que ela está em uma viagem bacana. Tanto que em breve colocará uma foto da 5ª Avenida no Orkut com a legenda ‘Eu em Nova York’. Por que ninguém bota no Orkut foto de uma viagem feita a Praia-Grande – SP ?

‘Quando Deus te desenhou ele tava namorando’ acabou de entrar. Essa pessoa provavelmente não tem nenhuma criatividade, gosto musical e interesse por cultura. Só ouve o que está na moda e mais tocada nas paradas de sucesso. Normalmente coloca trechos como ‘Diga que valeuuu’ ou ‘O Asa Arreia’ na época do carnaval.

‘Por que a vida faz isso comigo?’ acabou de entrar. Quando essa pessoa entrar bloqueie imediatamente. Está depressiva porque tomou um pé na bund.a e irá te chamar pra ficar falando sobre o ex.

‘Maria Paula ocupada prá c**’ acabou de entrar. Se está ocupada prá c**, por que entrou cara-pálida? Sempre que vir uma pessoa dessas entrar, puxe papo só pra resenhar; ela não vai resistir à janelinha azul piscando na telinha e vai mandar o trabalho pro espaço. Com certeza.

‘Paulão, quero você acima de tudo’ acabou de entrar. Se ama compre um apartamento e vá morar com ele. Uma dica:
Mulher adora disputar com as amigas. Quanto mais você mostrar que o tal do Paulão é tudo de bom, maiores são as chances de você ter o olho furado pelas sua amigas piriguetes (perigosas).

‘Marizinha no banho’ acabou de entrar. Essa não consegue mais desgrudar do MSN. Até quando vai beber água troca seu nick para ‘Marizinha bebendo água’. Ganhou do pai um laptop pra usar enquanto estiver no banheiro, mas nunca tem coragem de colocar o nick ‘Marizinha matriculando o moleque na natação’.

‘ < . ººº< . ººº< / @ || e $ $ ! || |-| @ >ªªª . >ªªª >’ acabou de entrar. Essa aí acha que seu nome é o Código da Vinci pronto a ser decodificado. Cuidado ao conversar: ela pode dizer ‘q vc eh mtu déixxx, q gosta di vc mtuXXX, ti mandá um bjuXX’.

‘Galinha que persegue pato morre afogada’ acabou de entrar. Essa ai tomou um zig e está doida pra dar uma coça na piriguete que tá dando em cima do seu ex. Quando está de bem com a vida, costuma usar outros nicks-provérbios de Dalai Lama, Lair de Souza e cia.

‘VENDO ingressos para a Chopada, Camarote Vivo Festival de Verão, ABADÁ DO EVA, Bonfim Light, bate-volta da vaquejada de Serrinha e LP’ acabou de entrar. Essa pessoa está desesperada pra ganhar um dinheiro extra e acha que a janelinha de 200 x 115 pixels que sobe no meu computador é espaço publicitário.

‘Me pegue pelos cabelos, sinta meu cheiro, me jogue pelo ar, me leve pro seu banheiro…’ acabou de entrar. Sempre usa um provérbio, trecho de música ou nick sedutores. Adora usar trechos de funk ou pagode com duplo sentido. Está há 6 meses sem dar um tapa na macaca e está doida prá arrumar alguém pra fazer o servicinho.

‘Danny Bananinha’ acabou de entrar. Quer de qualquer jeito emplacar um apelido para si própria, mas todos insistem em lhe chamar de Melecão, sua alcunha de escola. Adora se comparar a celebridades gostosas, botar fotos tiradas por si mesma no espelho com os peitos saindo da blusa rosa. Quer ser famosa. Mas não chegará nem a figurante do Linha Direta.Bom é isso, se quiserem escrever alguma mensagem, declaração ou qualquer coisa do tipo, tem o campo certo em opções ‘digitem uma mensagem pessoal para que seus contatos a vejam’ ou melhor, fica bem embaixo do campo do nome!! Vamos facilitar!!!!Arnaldo Jabor

random thoughts

visited my old favorite Thai store. it is all different now. isles are crouded. the place is dingy. they don’t carry what i used to buy there and it turns out there is a new owner who has no problem making really racist comments to the asian girls looking for a particular brand of fish sauce and is a little strange with my kid so i won’t be going there again. sad. i did find the sweet chili sauce that i was looking for and the little packaged seaweed for a nice snack at another much more tidy store. i like it there. the particular brand of fish sauce was there too; so much for “those asian companies” who tend to not pay there taxes. jerk.

in the tub with my ears in the water, silence. in my room in the closet with the door locked, darkness. on a long walk in the dessert, walking for miles. just a few ways to escape. note: escape is only possible when i am alone; curtain pulled, door locked, behind a bush, only alone is safe.

i knew that something was wrong. i didn’t want to consider what it might be so i pretended that there was nothing. but after all these years of pushing thoughts and memories around hiding them behind curtains and under beds they are all mixed up and i find it really hard to tell truth from fears. last sunday i thought i should write somethings down and get these monsters out in the light. maybe the light will help make my mind clear again. since i had the thought, just the thought, i have been having the nightmares again. this happens every time i even think about figuring things out. i hate nightmares.

there is this one story that is absolutely begging to be written. i think that if i ignore the wind one more, maybe two more times, that it will be lost forever. shoot. i don’t know if it is a sweet story or a somewhat scary one but it is just there at the tip of the pen and it is yelling at me every time those big doors open and the gust of air hits the face at the local walmart.

i am thinking about incorporating some kind of page for “reviews” for places we go here. i wonder how to make it nice and concise. but maybe this is really not the place for that sort of thing. random thoughts, that is what this is. cheers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Ikke gjort så mye lurt i dag. Skrubbet gulv i 8 timer, sovet litt og ryddet i bilder på Macen. Kom på at det er DNB bank på jobben også, så da rakk jeg innom å ta ut litt penger. Fant ut at det ville vært litt dumt å leve på en(!!!) pakke pastaskruer frem til bankkortet kommer i posten.

Ellers var rommet mitt så kaldt at jeg nesten frøs ihjel tidligere. Takk gud for raske varmeovner, dette kunne jo endt riktig dårlig. Skulle virkelig ønske vinteren bare varte fra lille julaften til nyttårsaften slik at resten av året var sånn ca sommer.

Ellers har jeg blitt total hektet på mozzarella med krydder, nøtter/frø og olje. Kvalmt godt…

Confession. Bleach Marathon End. Time for an About page.

Today, I have a confession to make. It’s something I have long forgotten but suddenly came up last night as I was watching Taishou Yakyuu Musume.
When I was 9 years old, I almost killed someone. -.-”

When I was 9, I had this classmate, a close friend, known as the Boogerman… literally. He had this insane ability to dig up the biggest boogers you have ever seen. In a local dialect, we would call him “Bei-C-Chai”.


Everyday after class, we would have 20 minutes to pack our bags, go to the washroom, get some drinks, just doing whatever shit we have to, before the gates open and the school bus departs. During that time, we would be like monkeys escaped from the zoo. We’d climb trees, roll things down the stairs (accidentally of course Xp), splash water at each other, break some windows (also accident -.-”), and others.

Then one day, somehow, someway, we got the “coolest” idea. Let’s play catch… with rocks!

Uhh… Sure, that sounds like fun!

The idea was one throwing a rock, the other trying to catch it. We’d each take turns. You know the drill.
Only difference is, instead of throwing it directly at each other. We’d throw it up high, at an upward angle, like a rainbow. Think Javelin…

So I took a look around. Found a pebble. Picked it up. Shouted to my friend, Kelvin (just remembered his name) to get ready.
Wind the old motor up. And swing!

The pebble flew and flew and flew. Then started to come down and Kelvin got ready.


Pebble dropped on the ground. Kelvin didn’t manage to catch it.

Then it was his turn, took up a random stone. And threw it at me…
I got ready, ready, ready…


Didn’t manage to catch the stone too. My turn!
Looked around…

WoooOOOooaAAaaaahhHHHHhh! There is no way Kelvin’s going to miss this shit.

Picked up a rock the size of my palm. I still remember wrapping my first around it and still I couldn’t cover the rock.

Retracted my arm as far as I could, made a few Popeye-armed rotations. Took a deep breath. And Launched that bitch!!

Probably because the rock had some momentum being heavy and shit. It really flew high. Eyes stopped looking at the rock and looked at Kelvin as he got ready to catch it.

He took a step back. A step front. A step back again. Put’s his hand up reaching out, getting ready to catch the rock.


The rock landed SPOT ON!!!… On his freaking head!!!!

He fell on his butt, looked at me for 2 seconds or so, blood flowing down his face, and faints. o_0!!

I was about to go into shock-and-shout mode when the buses started beeping their horns.

Oh shit! The buses are leaving, I’m going to miss the bus!!

I ran as fast as I could and managed to get on the bus before mine left. Reached home, watched tv, had dinner, watched more tv, and slept. I totally forgot about Kelvin.

Off topic: Green Lantern (the comic) rocks!

Needless to say, I was punished first thing in the morning the moment I step into class. There our homeroom teacher stood, next to her was Kelvin, whose head was all wrapped up in bandages like some snake flute dancer, and all the students’ eyes were on me.

We never talked to each other since then. Till the end of the year, he changed school and we never saw each other again.


This is something I’ve never shared with my current friends. Even the closest ones. -.-”

Anyway… Kelvin… Boogerman… If you are out there. I apologize.
Only thinking about it last night did I realize how thankful I should be that nothing permanent happened to you. I would have been traumatized.


Next… :p

Finally caught up to ep 243 in Bleach. And decided to stop there. Why? Cause the next few episodes will probably blow the farking roof off. So I rather save up enough episodes instead of watch 2 and be left hanging with anticipation.


But before that, anyone thinks Kira’s eyebrows are slightly messed up?

And the phoenix guy actually looked serious for once.

I was tempted to post up some battle sequence screenshots that I liked. But that would mean a thousand pictures, or maybe more. Lol!


Thinking how I’ve been Bleach crazy the past 4 days, I thought I’d post up one of my fav Naruto soundtrack, just to keep the Narutard in me going.

Haruka Kanata by Kung Fu Generation

My fav Naruto theme ever. I remember listening to this at work (years back when I was a System Analyst) and got carried away. Cranked the volume up so loud that the boss came into the staff’s work area and looked at me. Lol!

Sigh… I miss the days when Naruto (the anime) rocked the world. The current shippuden is just a pile of crap when compared to the original.


Lastly, I think it’s about time to work on my about page. Just feels funny without a nice little introduction. Especially if I do actually get new visitors. Lol!
I already have an idea in place, just rather watch and finish off Taishou Yakyuu Musume before I start working on it.

Yay! More moe goodness… Xp

Welcome to the Gun Show

Tonight after work, I met up with one of my best girlfriends for dinner. She’s shockingly single, despite being beautiful, intelligent, and sweet as can be, but thems the breaks I guess. So whenever we go out, I like to pretend that I’m her “wing man.” Not so much because I think she needs to hook a man right away, but more because I’ve been out of the game for quite some time and well, it’s kind of fun to talk to strange men when you don’t have to worry about ever seeing them again. (Or at least you hope not. I stay away from anyone who looks like a potential stalker. Not that I’m profiling.)

So we go to this brew pub I’ve never been to before and after our meal, as we’re finishing our drinks, two seemingly single guys walk in, sit down at the table behind us, and order drinks. Empty bar + beer + two young women + two young men = lots of exchanged glances. We keep looking at them, they keep looking at us, and it’s only a matter of time before someone says SOMETHING. Until…

The guy in my line of sight does something, well, hilarious. He takes off his jacket and, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, puts his hands behind his head and starts FLEXING! Oh yes. I had to look twice because I just couldn’t believe it. I break out into hysterical laughter and tell my friend who eventually turns to look. More laughing ensues. A minute later, we look again, and his arms are down but his sleeves are pulled up, ABOVE HIS SHOULDERS.

I realize I’ve been out of the dating game for a long time, and I’ve never been very good at reading male body language, but this time, I think the message was pretty clear: LADIES, LOOK AT MY ARMS. YOU LIKE? YES? WELL WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW.

I wanted to ask him if that trick ever actually worked, but decided against making real conversation for fear he would interpret it as flirting so we headed home instead. I bet he wears a lot of Ed Hardy too.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

...dragons and fairies

…there was once a love so strong and proud …so fierce …so enduring …that the only way to describe it would be to call it a dragon …a beast that gave strength …almost a symbiotic relationship …a beast that gave and took …as mighty as a dragon could be, yet still a living being …able to be slain …this dragon has gone through a very long, slow, painful transformation …no, that dragon is nothing more than an annoying evil little fairy now …sowing seeds of doubt and ruining things at times …i do not know when it will pop up, but, it does, and annoy the hell out of me

…Kitten wants to talk to me …i do not know what about …she is trying to be fiends …she is trying to know what is going on …i can not let her know …she wanted to talk to me yesterday over the phone …kept emailing me and trying to get me to call …but when the time came that i could, she said she had to go to a meeting so canceled …what does she want to say to me? …i couldn’t stand it last night …i went out for a few drinks …i just don’t want to know what she wants but i have a morbid curiosity …this is causing more problems than it is worth …i just want things to be done …she will not let anything go though

…i am stuck

This evening has been utterly soporific.

I barely managed to crawl out of bed today, but knowing I agreed to drive Lizzie to get her CT scan done I couldn’t snooze for an hour or two; as I usually do. If my memory serves me right I had some cereal and then gulped down a cuppa after my shower.

After we had been to the doc we very slowly got ready for our group interview. How ironic, we both had a group interview for the same job. They are hiring more than one person, so we both hope we both will get it. We need the money and it would be very odd if we one or none did get it; as we felt the interview went well.

They had told me to dress smart casual, or whatever you fancy calling it. I honestly don’t see the connection between casual and wearing a business shirt (without a tie) and business trousers. Makes me actually wonder more about how smart fits in this silly picture.
Can’t wait until the day I just need  to wear a lab coat. That will truly be the day.
Can you picture me in a lab?

When we got back from the interview I started working on my CV to improve it and follow the tips I’ve been given. As I have an interest for design and have worked as a graphics designer (very short period) I think and hope I know what looks good. So far I’ve gotten good feedback on my blog design. I’ve spent several hours in Inkscape making the perfect, as I see it, layout for my CV.
I might have gone a bit too far with the design as my CV seems to have evolved into a three page document, instead of the old two page document.

My previous document is pure information written and simply gathered in OpenOffice. I haven’t use any fancy techniques. It’s pure text and information. That might be the reason some companies didn’t contact me, and that I managed to squeeze that information on to two pages.
I’ll sit down tomorrow and see if I can still have all that information on two pages instead of three. I think three pages can be a bit much.

That’s I’ve managed to write all this tonight is kind of amazing as I’m dead tired from designing; but the irony is that writing still is kind of relaxing. I also find it fun to write when I’m tired now and then as the result can be kind of entertaining; as I tend to ramble and write the most silliest phrases or what not.

Melatonin is even more soporific.

pumpkin roll recipe.

Time for turkeys and greeting cards and political correctness – - the holidays wouldn’t be the same without them, or yummy recipes!  One of my favorite recipes for the month of November is the fabulously-delectable Pumpkin Roll. 

3 eggs, beat at high speed 5 minutes
1 c. sugar, gradually beat in
2/3 c. pumpkin
1 tsp. lemon juice, stir in
3/4 c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. salt, fold into pumpkin

Spread on greased and floured 15×10x1 inch pan, top with finely chopped walnuts. Bake at 375 for 15 minutes. Turn out on towel and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Start at narrow end, roll towel and cake, cool and unroll.

1 c. powdered sugar
4 Tbsp. butter
2 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Beat smooth, spread on cake roll and chill.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Spotify spellistor + random citat.

Musik från The Vampire Diaries och annat mysko skit.

Thelma, I Will Aveda Kadavra His Ass.

Q-tips lugna favoriter

Dutty Wine

Till sist, spellistan som kan liknas vid en Spotify variant av ett Itunes library:



Btw, fick läsa det här vackra citatet idag. Min mamma tyckte det påminde henne om mig. Vet inte riktigt hur jag ska tolka det. Är det en komplimang? 

“Snillets stämpel står på min panna och jag ser tvärsigenom en människa, just därför umgås jag med få eller snarare inga.“

- C.F. Hill (konstnär)


When the boys ask me why I rest my hand on their father’s leg when he’s driving, I think about all the miles my family would travel in the car on summer vacations.  I remember looking to the front and she’d be sitting there with her hand resting on daddy’s leg.  They didn’t speak too much but occasionally they’d look at each other and smile.  When I touch my husband’s leg, or reach over and hold his hand in the car I tell the boys:

My momma taught me that. 

When I come down in the evening in my PJs and the boys come rushing over to sit by me, Sam will raise his head and say:

 “Ohhh….you have on that perfume don’t you?”

 I think about hugging my mom over the years; burying my head into her neck and smelling her perfume.  I remember it warmed me and made me feel safe and loved.  So when the boys snuggle down next to me taking in long breaths of whatever perfumed lotion I’ve slathered on, I think:

My momma taught me that.

When I give a stranger a couple of dollars  I remember watching my mom reach into her pocket book and pull out money at the grocery store.  She’d help the person in front of us if they were a little short.  I’d walk away from the register holding her hand, looking up at that beautiful face, and feeling so proud.   Charity is one of the things she taught me.

When I start to put together a meal, I think about all the meals that she made in our kitchen.  Meals weren’t just something you ate, meals were an event.  Meals were cornbread and pinto beans, collard greens with ham hocks and sausage gravy and biscuits.  Saturday dinner was a steak, always a steak, sometimes in the kitchen or sometimes in the dining room where you “dressed” for dinner and ate by candlelight.  The kitchen table was a place of ritual and family, sometimes heated discussions and always good food.  When people ask me where I learned to cook I tell them:

My momma taught me that.

When I stand on the porch and wave goodbye to family and visitors pulling down the driveway and I take a moment to say a little prayer for their safe journey, I remember all the times I left my home on May Avenue, watching momma wave to me as I pulled away.  I know how important that last wave is and I think:

My momma taught me that. 

Even as mom started her slow journey from us, even when she didn’t always know who I was or where she was, even then she’d hug me and tell me she loved me.  That was her nature. 

I wonder if I would want to live the last years of my life as my momma did.  I can’t help but think about how much comfort and joy she brought us by being there for us to visit, to touch and hug.  We’d sit and share a cup of coffee, maybe watch a cooking show or take trip out to the garden.  Sometimes we were strangers, sometimes we were her daughters but always her gentle nature recognized us as friends. 

She gave so much and continued to ask for so little.  I’d want to do that for my boys as well.  She allowed us to let her go slowly and when it came time to say goodbye, we did.  My sister was there when she left us.  As gently as my momma lived, she died.   

Many years ago, right after my grandmother died, I found my mom in her bedroom writing down her thoughts.

Through her tears she said:

“You can read this when I’m done.”

She wrote pages about the things her momma did that made her world so full of love.  

If you wonder why I thought it important to write these things down now,

through my tears I can only tell you:

My momma taught me that.

                                                            Janice Irene Austin (Barrett)

                                               October 17, 1923 to November 7, 2009

                                             Every good thing I am; is rooted in you!


More MCLE Madness

I am admitted to the Illinois and New Jersey bars which makes for MCLE tracking somewhat interesting. New Jersey just adopted a MCLE system effective 2010 replacing its 3-year post-admission MCLE program. The New Jersey system has some quirks which make for trying to make sure credits transfer from jurisdiction to jurisdiction rather interesting (NJ requires a certain number of face-to-face hours amongst other things). As of Wednesday, I’ve added another wrench to the works:

I passed the New York bar examination.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Public Enemies

I got the chance to view the newest DVD from DC Entertainment, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, recently. I won’t go into a deep review (as I no longer have the DVD to reference), but I will give you this micro review based on my initial impressions.

I if you haven’t been keeping up with anything DC or anything comics, don’t worry. You won’t be too lost. You don’t have to know who most of the characters are outside of Supes, Bats, and Luther – they are the major players and are basically the same old same old we are all used to. If you have been following comics, DC, or at least have a familiarity of recent events in the DC Universe, Public Enemies will make instant since. It does help that everything you need to know is given to you at the very beginning, and most everything else is spoon fed in mostly subtle ways through character conversation. This still matters little, the conflict here is still rather black-and-white.

Suffice to say, meteor of Kryptonite is going to blow away the Earth, Lex wants to save/destroy mankind to rule it, and Superman is framed for crimes he didn’t commit.  Simple.

Most of the film is spent following Supes and Bats as they trade their friendly, rival-based quips. There are several fights and confrontations inbetween, and, obviously, all ends well. But the ride to the finish is what matters.  I enjoyed most of it, but there are some issues I had with it:

* the character designs are iffy to me (Power Girl especially)

* some of the fights didn’t make sense to me (Starfire vs Superman, really?)

* Power Girl plays an important roll in this story, yet she gets next to no meaningful screen time (so why is she important at all in this story?)

As far as the DVD features:

* opening trailers have nothing to do with DC

* special features are all reused from other DC DVDs with the exception of the exceptional Blackest Night preview (as far as I know)

Overall, it’s a decent film and definitely worth a rental. I would talk more about this thing, but there isn’t really much else to say really. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies gets a 3 out of 5.

You know I miss you too.

Yesterday (06th Nov 2009)

Went out to Timah to find Pear.

Afterward, we went to find Charmaine & Weiting for supper.
Slacked till 10.40PM.

Aha. I hanged Pear’s Iphone.

In the end, we didn’t go supper. :/

Today (07 Nov 2009)

Last AEM session before the bazaar!
It was fun, fun, fun.!

Had presentation in the morning, and I somehow was tongue-tied.
I remembered I said something like, we priced the price because of the price of the price.
Crap. :/

Justin’s hand!
( The hamburger is animated. )

Had KFC and there were guys canoeing at the swimming pool! Heh.
Back to lessons and started designing the signboards.

Daniel’s ; Mine!
( Mine nicer right? *winks* )

The worst = Justin’s! Hahaha.


Ms Lai was awesome.
We ( Caroline, Daniel, Jiahui, Tracia ) were the last few to leave and she gave us a lift to Dover MRT. Haha.

Yay. I finished my English articles for the week!

P/S: I’ve been drinking Mr Bean Soya Milk. Nice nice.

这世界太热閙 怎麽倾听
Because Love said so. Imy.

Rihanna's interview with Diane Sawyer

Right off the bat I should say that I loved Rihanna in this interview. I found her to be honest and genuine. It didn’t feel scripted and she was able to eloquently and honestly express herself. I was impressed with the way she carried herself in how she responded to Diane’s questions. I also appreciate Diane handling her with decency and dignity as opposed to the “hungry hyena” approach that some interviewers use. Finally, I definitely think that Rihanna made the right decision to have the interview with Diane Sawyer and not Oprah or any of the gazillion people who would’ve killed a goat and a cow for this interview (and I say this in humor. No tomatoes please )

I didn’t like that Diane insisted or chose to show her the video of Chris’s internet apology. That was the one time I felt that she was trying to do something for ratings.  On the other hand,  when Rihanna was talking to her young fans – especially those being abused – about not making a decision based on love and instead to look at the situation for what it is, she said “…EF love…” which I thought was cute in an “oh these young people” kind of way. I also felt that it would be effective since that IS how many young people express themselves today, for better or worse…ef this, ef that, whatever! older people don’t express themselves like that.

I appreciate her speaking the truth about her feelings for Chris, then and now. I feel like people want her to come out and make all these many promises and vow NEVER EVER to get back with Chris Brown but the thing is, she’s right: love doesn’t just go away in an instant. It took them 2 years to build it so it’ll take her some time to come through it and choose better.

Rihanna, congratulations for choosing to do this interview. It showed people the truth of who you are and it may very well have saved some lives. Good luck with the future.

Chris Brown: my feeling is that people don’t necessarily hate HATE you but you should listen to what Rihanna said tonight i.e this is no time to feel sorry for yourself. You did this, you need to man up and definitely take advantage of that year of counseling.

Good luck to you both!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

PMX starts tomorrow

I’m taking a sick day today… from what? Well I was hoping hw… xD
I plan to get some Haloween candy from … any store.
Also go see if I can do some Halloween shopping. Like buying stuff hopefully cheaper.

I’m better than yesterday though. Not so much of a sore throat anymore. I have a slight nose.. congestion. But Its bearable~
(Just you don’t wanan see what comes out on the tissue afterwards! lol)

I’m so psyched about PMX! Seems as though no one can go Friday >.< So that means I’m not going Friday!
I will make the most out of it Sat and Sun though~
Its set that I’m going as Rei on Saturday. Haruhi on Sunday.
I’m happy I did those two cosplays but I want to do bigger stuff next time!! Gotta wow people?
But that will be figured out later. I realized cosplay is what I usually talk about with people… gahh… can’t I be more of a conversationalist? lol

Oh the pic is from the park mini photoshoot xD  I don’t know if I like this pic or not. I like how it is but I don’t like myself in it? lol~ xD
My eyes look plain, gotta remind myself to check up on make-uup next time.
Which I have to find some fake eyelashes for PMX… I wanna see how they’ll look!

So today… working on hw. Cosplays. and shopping! <3



Remember, remember, the 5th of November.

On 21st August 1864 the small market town of Lewes in East Sussex suffered an earthquake measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale; that’s nothing compared to what happens in Lewes each year on 5 November.

Here’s what it says on Wikipedia:

The town’s most important annual event is Lewes Bonfire – Guy Fawkes Night celebrations on the 5th of November. In Lewes this event not only marks the date of the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, but also commemorates the memory of the seventeen Protestant martyrs… [blah, blah]…

To mark the demise of the 17 martyrs, 17 burning crosses are carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony occurs at the War Memorial in the centre of town. A flaming tar barrel is also thrown into the river Ouse: this is said to symbolise the throwing of the magistrates into the river after they read the Riot Act to the bonfire boys in 1847, but may also be an echo of Samhain traditions. The festivities culminate in five separate bonfire displays, where the effigies are destroyed by firework and flame. Up to 80,000 people have been known to attend this local spectacle, coming from all over the South and sometimes further afield.

Talking of Guy Fawkes Night celebrations, I heard the story earlier of how a man attempted to light a bonfire by standing on top of it, pouring petrol over the bonfire and dropping a lit match. The man receives a posthumous gold in to55er’s Dumb and Dumber Awards.

Lewes Guy Fawkes Night.

oui oui!

Today I was the opposite of creative, I was destructive. I decided I didn’t like the way my fingerless gloves were turning out and I thought the yarn would be better used to make one of those slouchy berets that are in style. I looked around online for some patterns and found one that was fairly easy to make.

The yarn I’m going to be using is this one I made when I went to Portland at this place called Yarnia. I made the girliest pink sparkly yarn without any project in mind but when I got home I realized I have no idea when I would ever use anything with this crazy color. But now I think a kiki beret may be just the thing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When the brain shuts down...

By sylvia
So today I am at home, recovering from a 3 day hormone migraine, watching Spongebob, and playing with my new phone. Everyone needs a day or two sometimes to just turn your brain off, and I’ve done that today, around the pain and sleeeping.

So it got me thinking – can you roll your tongue? I cannot. I used to get so frustrated with people who would say “you’re not trying hard enough” when they would show me that they could. Because it’s not something you can learn. You are either born with the ability to do it or not.

And I’ve found that if you can roll your tongue, you can also do the Vulcan ‘V’ thing with your fingers, yet another thing you can’t learn.

So I’nm hypothesizing here – I’m gonna put it out there and say that if you can do one, you can do the other, but not just one.

I am truly fascinated and grossed out by the tongue thing, and totally jealous of being able to do neither.

So please, for the love of Bea Arthur, please comment and support my hypothesis, or send me some data to disprove it!

Family Obsession With Tau-Huay

I have no idea what’s wrong with my family. Apparently it started with my sister, who brought back some tau-huay after school. After that, everyone started liking tau-huay for no logical reason, bringing back home containers full of white soft stuff floating in pool of sure-kena-diabetes sugary liquid.

I don’t really like it, it’s not as though they are stuck in NJ and sick of the Malay stall until they eat tau-huay. But well it’s supposedly nutritious, so I shall try some. My mum brought back some peach flavoured tau-huay, would you believe it? It happens when you get sick of the original.

The "duh" moment for Mean Mom

So you all know what I’m talking about, right? That moment when you suddenly “get it” and then you feel like such an idiot for not getting it earlier. That’s kind of how I’m feeling right now.

Little Man had another good day at Auntie M’s today (yay!) At least until it was time to leave and then he started in with calling me times, trying to hit, kick, bite, etc. It took about 5 minutes to calm him and then he was pretty good the rest of the evening. Not a huge tantrum and over fairly quickly, but it still nailed me in the gut. Partially, I’m sure, because it’s been a while since he’s thrown one.

Anyway, I was talking to a friend tonight and made the smart alec comment that I was going to go back to being the mean mom again because things were so much calmer back then.

The longer that thought rattled around in my head, the louder the “duh” got. For a while now I’ve been thinking, talking and hearing all this information about the importance of consistency, routines, etc. I kept thinking about changes like the divorce, daycare changes, time spent on PTA and Big Girl’s bball and could totally see how that was causing problems. Turns out I was missing (part of) the forest for the trees.

You see, since I really started to pull out of the depression, I’ve been on this mission to fix everything. I was so worried about how much damage I may have done while being “checked out” that I couldn’t, wouldn’t accept that I might have actually been doing something right during that time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying depression is a good thing, I’m just saying that I may have thrown out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.

I am affectionately known as the mean mom of the family. My sister still tells the story of fixing Big Girl a Dr. Pepper one night and when Big Girl said “Mommy won’t let me drink brown pop”, Aunt T promptly told her that she could drink whatever she wanted while at Auntie’s house. The TV wasn’t allowed on on school nights, bedtime (when at home) was 8:00 whether it was a weeknight or a weekend night, every meal was eaten at the table, we grocery shopped and cleaned house at the same time every week, played at the same time, there was very rarely any junk food in the house (candy, chips, pop-
tarts, fruit roll ups, etc were never bought) drink choices were water or milk. To say we had some serious routines and pretty strict rules would be putting it mildly.

When I started recovering, I started being “looser”. I started saying yes to more sleepovers, extra-curricular activities, “junk” food, fruity drinks, later weekend bedtimes, etc. Of course, since we often had friends over on Saturday mornings, our shopping/cleaning times became sporadic. More activities meant more meals “on the run”…

Y’all see what I’m seeing? In my attempt to give my kids “more” I’ve blown all the old routines and “mean mom” rules that kept everybody on an even keel.

The upshot of all this is that we had a family meeting to talk about it. Big Girl’s comment was that those days were “boring”, but she did admit that they were less stressful. We’ve decided to reinstitute the no-tv-on-school nights rule and start eating more meals at the table rather than on the run. We will finish out commitments already made while working on re-establishing some routines and basically just SLOW DOWN!

I say “hurry up, let’s go and we’re late” way too often. Ain’t a one of us built for sprinting. Some families thrive on that lifestyle, but MY family’s built more for walking.

It’s time to strap on my mean mom boots and re-prioritize.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Different languages

Thank goodeness for translation systems…

Writing in different languages is fun

이것은 아주 재미이다
This is very fun

Dank Lulu fand ich einen guten Übersetzungsaufstellungsort
Thanks to Lulu I found a good translation site

好…顯然地it’ 好s沒有。 我设法寫它,並且转换它全部到英語和它是所有虛弱的。 滑稽。 除非您真正地知道它,那么可能寫在一種不同的語言的xD不是那么巨大xD。
Okay… apparently it’s not THAT good. I tried to write it back and translate it all back to english and it was all wonky. Funny. xD
So maybe writing in a different language is not so great xD Unless you really know it.

あぶなっかしい = wonky?
I guess wonky really isn’t a word xD The Chinese thought it was weak!



quoted this from my friend’s blog..

From twitter:
“I conclude that people only go clubbing coz they have nobody at home in the nights to cuddle up to.”

Quite true to a certain extend.. but i shant ellaborate further on it.. hmm.. sometimes we just wanna have fun.. because there isnt the other half in your life..

hmmm.. i am taking a step forward to get closer to my dream bike.. hahah..

NFL Predictions: Week 8

So far this year, I have not been so hot with my picks, but I am feeling good this week…on the year, I am 72-31 with my picks.

This week, I plan on being 13-0, here we go:

Buffalo (over Houston), My biggest upset of the week
Miami (over New York Jets), This is going to be a STOMPIN!! The Jets are weak, very weak, even at home, and Miami is extremely underrated. I suppose this is an upset, technically.
New Orleans (over Atlanta), by about a touchdown or two, both teams will score over 30 pts.
Detroit (over St. Louis) probably with quite a low score…maybe 23-16…
Green Bay (over Minnesota) This will be the closest game of the week and will probably end with a failed Brett Favre drive in the last minute of the game.  Upset.
Chicago (over Cleveland) of course
San Diego (over Oakland) biggest blowout of the week. They will win by 30+ pts.
Indianapolis (over SF) this will be closer than what people think, SF is still strong even though they are going through a lot of injuries and issues right now. Indy will still win by about 7-10 pts.
New York Giants (over Philly) Philly is sporatic, and the Giants are consistently strong, even after last week’s failure…
Arizona (over Carolina) Carolina, doesnt have everything together… yet
Jacksonville (over Tennessee) They destroyed them last game, and they will again, I don’t care if TN is at home. I suppose this is an upset, also.
Denver (over Baltimore) Sorry guys, Baltimore will come close, but Denver’s defense is too awesome. Another 3 point loss to Baltimore! “Upset”, maybe?
Dallas (over Seattle) obviously.

Enjoy! You will see!!