Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's All Good.

“The affair of the Muslim is always good.” Sh. Hamza Yusuf

We should realize that everything we are sent is from Allah ta’ala and therefore is good. In our limited perception we might see something as being bad or evil, but in reality since this is what Allah ta’ala has destined there is good in it and in reality, this is what is best for us. The struggles and trials in our life, even though it might be tough to recognize at the moment in which they occur, are best for us at that very moment of our lives. It is ultimately our response in these moments and situations that will have the greatest impact and effect on us in both this life and the next. (May Allah ta’ala always make us of those who have patience and forbearance in the face of trials and wisdom to deal with them in the best of ways. Ameen.)

On the flip side of seeing every trial as being only from Allah ‘azza wa jal, we should also know that every act of obedience is a blessing and only from Allah ta’ala. When we do good, we should not become puffed up and proud with our actions but should thank Allah ta’ala for allowing us to complete such an ‘ibadah or good deed. We should thank Him for allowing us to recognize the good in that deed, for granting us the yearning and motivation to perform the act, and for the ability to put our thoughts and yearnings into action. (And I know I missed so many blessings in between. Allah ta’ala states in the Qur’an that we are not able to enumerate the blessings He bestows on us. For every seemingly small gift or blessing we are given, there are layers upon layers of blessings hidden within it.) May Allah ta’ala make us grateful to Him and increase us in our obedience and our desire to be close to Him ta’ala. Ameen.

It is stated that a person is constantly in one of four states and they are…

1) An act of obedience, and the correct response is shukr (gratitude, thanks)

2) An act of disobedience, and the correct response is tawba

3) A blessing is being sent down upon them, and the correct response is shukr and praises to Him.

4) A struggle/trial is being inflicted upon them, and the correct response is patience, forbearance, and resolve.

“Do not say: ‘O Allah, I have worries.’ Say: ‘O worries, I have Allah.’”

May Allah ta’ala forgive me for anything incorrect.

If anyone notices something incorrect, please do leave a comment. I write these only as a reminder to myself first.

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