Christianity has become such a relative term, that many people today claim to be Christians, but where is the fruit of such proclamation.
So many say they are believers, but why do their lives reflect their own selfish desires, and such worldly behaviors.
Being a Christian is far more then some sacred word, or some standard beliefs.
It’s not a religion, though it is classified as one, it is not. Christianity is a relationship, it is ongoing, it is not dead, and it does not bring out spiritual death, but brings about spiritual life.
Why then do so many people call themselves Christians? People assume if they go to church, pray, read a verse, or a chapter a night, do all the things Christians are supposed to do, they are Christians, but there is more to it then that.
People act as if Christianity is almost something you can wear, put on or take off.
That is not so, the bible says thou shall not take the name of God in vain.
Everyone assumes this means you are not suppose to curse God’s name which is true, but this is only half of it.
The real truth to not taking His name in vain means in saying and declaring to everyone you’re a Christian, but yet your life does not reflect Christ, or bear the spiritual fruit of truly being Christ-like.
Anyone can declare it, anyone can appear so, even believe it, but there is more to being a Christian then saying so, looking like one, or believing it.
You must live it, experience it each and every day. You must have that 1 on 1 relationship with Christ, that spiritual rebirth and spiritual renewal that comes only from a daily relationship with Him.
The bible says even the demons believe and tremble, does that make them Christians, or make them saved? No, the bible also says that even satan can appear as an angel of light, does that make him a Christian or saved, most certainly not. So you see taking the name of God in vain goes much deeper then a few curse words.
There is a verse that says they shall have an appearance of godliness but denying the real power there of, sounds like taking (wearing) the name of God in vain doesn’t it.
They seem good, they look good, they sound good, they must therefore be real right, nope wrong again.
Don’t be deceived people, God is not mocked, if we say we are Christians, Christ will be evident in our lives, in how we live, talk, walk, think, act, our lives will bear witness to the truth. For example take me, I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, I didn’t know Jesus at an early age, but a few times growing up I was introduced to church.
I believed what they said, but did that make me a Christian, no. I even prayed sometimes, and read the bible, didn’t that mean I was a Christian, no.
To others I may appeared so, sounded so, but I wasn’t. My life hadn’t changed in any drastic way, I may have been going to church, praying, and reading the bible, but I was still living the same way as before.
Sure I believed, but that wasn’t enough, a person has to do more then believe, they must confess, and they must experience that relationship with Christ, and live it out every day of their lives.
I thought then I was a Christian, I thought hey I believe, I go to church, read my bible, pray, I’m a good guy most of the time, surely I must be a Christian, I was wrong.
There are so many people out there deceived, and I was one of them, had I died, I probably would have missed out on eternity with God.
I probably would have heard those words depart from me I never knew you, and I probably would have replied sure you did, I went to church, I prayed, I read my bible, I was good to others. Then He would have said depart I never knew you, and I would ask why.
I am sure He would then say because believing isn’t enough, playing the part isn’t enough; just because you play an actor in a play or movie doesn’t make you that actual person. It’s more then that, you never had a real relationship with me, you didn’t seek me out daily, you didn’t lay down your life, you kept on living it the way you desired, thought best, instead of trusting it to me.
You continued living in your own ways, worldly desires, and behaviors, if you were mine, the world would not be in you, because you would not be of the world.
You’re life would have reflected the truth, my love, my grace, it would have followed my example, but it didn’t therefore depart I don’t know you.
Those are words no one ever wants to hear, but it can and will happen to some.
People we must carefully examine ourselves, if we are truly Christians, followers of Christ, our lives will reflect Him, inside, and out.
We will seek His ways and not our own, seek His will and not our own selfish will, we will seek to please Him and not ourselves.
We will have a real and genuine relationship with Him daily, were we walk and talk with Him, were we learn, and grow. We will experience His love, grace, blessings, and yes even sometimes His chastisement.
We will have times of intimate prayer were we talk to Him and listen, times of refreshing, and renewal.
We will experience the comfort of His Holy Spirit, and the peace which only He can bring.
We will grow in His word; we will stand out and not draw back, blend in, hide, or be ashamed.
We will not be of this world, nor this world of us, our lives won’t reflect the world’s ways, ideas, behaviors, we won’t be easily persuaded, or pressured to believe lies, because we will have the truth and know the truth, because He is the truth.
Our hearts will not condemn us, because therefore is no condemnation to those in Christ, we will know without a doubt we are His and He is ours.
You see being a Christian goes much deeper then some fancy word, or something people think they can just so easily put on and that’s it.
It’s a life changing experience that continues everyday of your life from that first moment to the very moment we see Him in glory.
Please know the truth, for the truth is what shall sit you free.
Seek it, cling to it, study it, never let it go, because the truth will always lead you closer to Jesus, and closer to being more like Christ, a real Christian.
–Dustin, Bcuz Of Jesus
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