Occasionally it can be quite hard to think of topics to write about, and occasionally you overhear something so stupid, so idiotic, that it inspires you. Welcome to the world of me.
New shop opened in Gillingham high street today (I think it was today anyway), it’s another one of those random electric-based second hand shops, selling CD’s, DVD’s, TV’s etc really cheaply. Since it’s new and cheap, the queues were quite long. I’m usually ok with queues, as long as I don’t have to be anywhere, this queue however really annoyed me for two reasons;
- No mp3 player. Normally this is the sole reason I don’t mind queues, just gives me a chance to stand there listening to music, is relaxing. Today however my mp3 player had no power, so couldn’t bring it.
- The woman behind me.
This person, was beyond annoying. The minute she joined the queue she was complaining about how long it was. Now maybe it’s just me, but if I see a queue that I consider too long, I don’t queue. That’s the thing about shopping queues, you can see how long they are, handy isn’t it? It’s an entertainment shop, so it’s highly unlikely she was buying anything she really desperately needed. This complaining went on for THE ENTIRE QUEUE. Now, this alone isn’t enough to warrant me calling her stupid I know, just annoying but when we got to the end I heard her say something which was so annoying, so stupid, so beyond comprehension, that I wanted to sterilise her. She was in a conversation with someone who asked how her kid was doing;
“oh she’s fine. There’s a few kids she knew from playgroup who go to her school as well so she’s fine.”
“that’s good. She at home?”
“no, she’s waiting outside”
Just to reiterate; this woman left her (obviously very young) child OUTSIDE A STORE, ON HER OWN. But it got worse a few minutes later;
“this queue is taking forever. If {insert childs name here, I didn’t quite catch it} isn’t still outside when I finish here, I’m taking this place to fucking court, this queue is fucking ridiculous”
Yes, after abandoning her child outside, the woman would blame the shop if the kid got abducted. This woman, should not be allowed to breed, and I feel very sorry for her child. With parenting like that, I wouldn’t really be surprised if the kid turned out messed up when she grew up (which of course, wouldn’t be the mother’s fault, it would be the fault of the evil television and music). I never really fault it would be possible to feel a moral obligation to kidnap a child.
Outside the shop (back on topic) was another new stall; a soup shop, offering free soup for the day. Ordinarily I would take them up their offer, I love free stuff, but there’s something about free soup which seems a bit hobo-ey. Yup, I’m ending this blog with the word; hobo-ey.
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