Thursday, December 31, 2009

For the record.

22 December 2009. That was the day I stopped using The Times as my primary newspaper1.

You might think it’s the proposed plan to charge for access to the online version of the paper. Perhaps it’s the infuriating way that the RSS feeds force you to go through an ad page to go to the full article from the excerpt. Or the way the RSS feeds when read on a Crackberry send you through to the home page of the mobile site, instead of the actual article you requested, which is now nowhere to be found amongst the 9 articles they make available through the mobile site.

Actually, it was this headline.

“Passengers’ fury at airports as snow steals Christmas”

Really. Really? Snow ’stole’ Christmas? Snow came down from the sky, slapped a small child around the face and ran away with all the presents?

OH NO WAIT. Did it in fact come floating down from the sky in the manner of any other precipitation, and combine with the freezing temperatures and increased traffic to cause hazardous conditions for flying and driving? Y’know, like normally happens in winter?

“Chaos on the roads” is fine. “Many passengers… were inconsolable at being stranded at Christmas” is also fine, if a little emotive for my stony-hearted tastes. Both are, at least, statements of fact. But “snow steals Christmas”? What’s next? ‘Furious passengers take snow hostage and refuse to let it go until it gives back Christmas’? ‘Passengers go on vigilante raid against vicious snowy attacker by amassing huge pile of burning tyres and petrol attempting to hasten rate of global warming’? ‘Callous snow evades capture by melting with the assistance of co-conspirator Unseasonably Warm Few Days Around Christmas?’

Seriously, dudes. WTF. What am I supposed to read now? I can’t read the Telegraph (not posh enough2), I can’t read the Guardian (not an English teacher, can spell), I don’t really like the Independent online site. What’s left?

1 Yes, I know, Murdoch should be enough of a reason. I read it because I (normally) like the writing style. If you comment to tell me that Murdoch should be enough of a reason to stop reading The Times, I will know that you didn’t read this footnote, and will be entitled to tell you that you are wrong. On the internet.

2 I only say this because I was looking at a recipe from the Telegraph and noticed that it had separate instructions for cooking it in an Aga.


un-FORGET-able 2009!

Hello Last Day of 2009!

This year has been not a very exciting or fun year for me. I felt more of negatives than positives.

I recall how I welcomed 2009. Well, I was in my hostel in Noida and I called up mum and while talking to her I was sobbing and sobbing like a little kid who lost her lollipop. (sad case!) This was because my friends all left and also it was the end of my stay in India and I really miss them a lot till today.

Taking the case above, maybe how you welcome the new year has an effect on the entire year!. This is mainly just a thought of mine okay! So anyway, from the beginning of the year till the end, I have been hearing or rather showered with death news. If anyone would ask me to recall 2009, I would recall the deaths I have heard and some misfortune that happened to my loved ones. Whenever I hear those news and that too when death became like an everyday affair around me, I had this inner thing that 2009 is an unlucky year, hence I wished it ended very fast.

And today comes the last and final day of 2009. In a way I am happy that it is coming to an end but also a little sad that … oh oh…we are all a year older! Hahhaha!

As Mahatma Gandhi said:

“Each night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”

To those who wake up and are reborn tomorrow, I wish you a very Happy New Year. And for those who didn’t make it to 2010, I wish you a very Happy New Year too!

Special wishes to my dear….

LXES – Craig, Nora, Akmar, Sharmi, Syaz, Sue, Puts, Suffian, Andrew, Sangee.

my3ladies – Bea, Ris and HL.

Jon and Suresh.

Tus always loves you all and also not forgetting my lovely family. Thank you lord for keeping us together.

On a special note, today is my brothers birthday so I wish him a very Happy 26th Bday bro!


2009 in Review

Things that happened this year…lessons learned, etc. etc. In no particular order and probably a bit vague (excuse me, but I may have been drinking red wine recently…). And some of these are apparently lessons I keep getting taught and have yet to learn because they could appear on my list every year.

  • Finished three semesters of graduate school (in hindsight, summer school was a GREAT idea).
  • Complete one internship/roughly half the internship hours required.
  • Volunteered at Pitchfork Music Festival and saw some great bands perform.
  • Attended (and survived) all three days of Lollapalooza.
  • Friends exited my life.
  • Made new friends. (life’s handy that way, eh?)
  • Wanted things I didn’t get and got things I didn’t know I wanted/needed.
  • Worked two jobs for a bit.
  • Traveled to Texas twice.
  • Cried more than most people would believe.
  • Laughed at least as much as anyone deserves.
  • Tried some new recipes and made up ones of my own.
  • Was brave on more than one occasion.
  • Tried and failed.
  • Let myself be vulnerable more than I like.
  • Wished I had not done some things I did (or at least I’d seriously alter things if given the opportunity).
  • Attended my fair share of live performances, but not nearly as many as I aspire to attend…
  • Got two new tattoos.
  • Moved to a new apartment with two new roommates (one is a cat).
  • Finally got to play my Wii Fit.
  • Started seeing a counselor–this girl can’t get through her issues alone and her friends need to not hold the burden of the drama.
  • Had my closet rod break–is someone trying to tell me something?!
  • Got a new niece…the super cute baby Lylah.
  • Survived another Tankedgiving and this time I wasn’t the hot mess!
  • Had people come visit me in Chicago from far away.
  • Had a pretty good birthday considering I had just moved here the August prior to the January (found out my friends are REALLY good at karaoke!)
  • Met a lot of new people, including my #1 crush, Patrick Stump.  Talk about hot mess. This girl was speechless or at least extremely awkward. Shameful.
  • Watched the movie Wolverine with Hugh Jackman (and friends) and later that week saw us all on Oprah.
  • Found out I was pretty good at fund-raising and event planning.
  • Had fun surprising family and friends at Christmas.
  • Loved nachos more than I should.
  • Upped my coffee drinking…not a good thing.

Really, so much seems to have happened this year (definitely more than this list includes) that I can hardly believe it’s over; that the decade is (almost) over. I’m looking forward to 2010. As trite as it sounds, I hope that it will be a year of new beginnings in every aspect of my life–that’s the optimist in me, forever hopeful. Here’s wishing you a happy new year!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The pain of buying something simple

I spent a grand total of 3 hours across 2 shopping malls to buy 2 $99 mobile phones. I can’t even manage to type it down, such is the pain at recalling that nightmarish adventure.

//here endeth the semi-jesting

I am a male. Hence, it’s naturally difficult for me, and such poor folks like me (i.e. of the same gender), to engage in that fearsome activity known as “shopping”. I think it is fair to say that we are not designed to spend hours upon hours roaming frustratedly through malls, doing said “shopping”. I usually leave that to the female members of my household. However, when the need arises, I myself embark on this epic journey.

But I still. don’t.  like. it.


An Automotive Christmas

(My First Christmas Tree in my New Home)

The Christmas season is a time for good cheer, however, in my family it means it’s a time for everything to go wrong. Ever since my family and I have moved to Utah we have made it a point to return to our roots during the Christmas Season. Due to work schedules, the family went down at two separate times. Those in the first wave made it all the way to Holden, Utah before breaking down. After being towed back up to where they started, they were able to switch cars and make the arduous journey down to Vegas. Those on the second wave made it all the way to Mona, Utah before breaking down. Did I mention that when the car broke down my dad was on the phone with AAA renewing his membership? That’s right. We literally broke down while we were on the phone with AAA. I’m still waiting to exchange some words with Mr. Irony.

(One of our Mechanics trying to Diagnose the Problem)

After being towed 50 miles to the mechanics those of us in the second wave were able to head down to Vegas only 6 hours behind schedule. The second wave soon realized that the heater in the alternative car being driven down did not work. With the air outside being at a -3° you can imagine the discomfort. Finally when we got to Scipio, Utah I was able to “fix” the heater by purchasing three hot chocolates, three beanies, and one blanket. The car trouble continued throughout the trip with a flat tire (that could only be fixed with purchasing a new tire) and a rock chipping the windshield. Those of us in wave two found the whole situation rather hysterical. It all proved one point—my family is cursed when it comes to automobiles.

(Trying not to get Hypothermia)

I hope you all were able to enjoy this holiday season even if things did not go according to plan.

Memorable Quotes from the Holidays

“Nothing fazes me anymore.” Brooklyn (After breaking down in Mona, Utah)

“Wait I know you…. I’ve towed you before.” Tow Truck Man

“You can tell mom I fixed the heater.” Brooklyn (3 hot chocolates, 3 beanies, and 1 blanket later)

Faith (Age 8): Mom are you mad right now?
Deanne: No…
Faith: Ok, I bent my glasses.

“The box says it was made in China. Lets call them to see how it works.” Grandpa Chappell (opening Christmas presents)

“Why did I have to get stuck with Mom?” Elese (playing Cranium)

Celeste: To win this Spellbound, choose a teammate who can correctly spell the word below on the first try without writing it down. I’ll read the word to the speller and then start the timer The word is…….
Brooklyn: Celeste doesn’t even know how to say it.
(Word: Gamut)

“Too bad it wasn’t Marilyn Monroe.” Amber (After Brooklyn not being able to guess Clint Eastwood on a Cranium card)

“That’s what you’re scared of? Little kids with lice?” Cody (directed towards Celeste who said she could never be a school teacher)

“I’m not very good at Rock-Paper-Scissors. That is how I got a kid in my class I didn’t want.” Deanne (Kindergarten school teacher)

(Mother-daughter Arm Wrestle)

(Only in Vegas do they have to put Security Sensors on Gum)


Sunday, December 27, 2009

day 7: One week in and still moving

Today’s been pretty hectic.  We had to pick up pumpkin A from grandma’s, then we went grocery shopping.  I found some cute scrapbooks at the dollar store so I bought one.  I need to start Emmalee’s Year Three book.   I printed out all those pictures then I made a horrid mistake of spilling wine on them.  It was a hilarious chain of events.  Unfortunate, but hilarious.  So i laid out all the pictures that I have to get in to their books on the dinner table so they don’t stick to eachother.  Which brings me to today’s photograph.

It was a nice segway.

There are about another 6 pictures that I had to lay on a different table for lack of space.  I have a lot of work ahead of me today with these.  Off to work I go, wish me luck!


Out with the old and in with the...old?

Well with all the Christmas proceedings over, the world returns to normality. Slowly the decorations will be removed, good programming will return to our televisions and here in the UK, we’ll all be bombarded with celebrity fitness videos and adverts for 2010 Christmas Hamper packs (Who even does those?).  The festive spirit will be laid to rest for another year. But with that said, how was YOUR Christmas? Was that Panasonic Lumix G1 Camera cosily gift-wrapped under the tree waiting for you to shred the packaging? Was the turkey NOT the best example of some of the driest poultry you’ve ever eaten?

Christmas is usually a pretty “meh” affair around my parts. It’s been that way since I turned 13. Funnily enough despite knowing this from the start, time after time I set myself up for disappointment. Shame on me for forgetting that Christmas sucks as you get older. This Christmas did keep the tradition, however wasn’t so bad because I got:


A pair of mitts, a hat, and 2 pairs of trainers. Nice.

Edit: Imagine a pair of socks somewhere in that image…I literally just got them as I was typing this! I guess no Christmas is complete without SOCKS!

But moving away from Christmas as it is now OVER, we obviously look towards the new year. This is usually another time of year I hate as it breeds procrastination:

Yes... I searched among my own Facebook Friends for that JUST to prove my point!

You only have to be on the homepage of any social networking site before you’re flooded with these… I mean look at the date on the example above. Talk about “the early bird catches the worm”… yeesh!

Another pet peeve of mine, of which we are all pretty much culprits, is that we get so besotted with the year ahead (whether we say it out aloud like Mr Fail in the above example or simply keep it to ourselves), that we forget the year that we are currently in. “Hindsight is always 20/20″ (Megadeth, 1993). Looking back never does anyone harm, does it? (DOES IT!?) Well I indeed looked back and discovered my year was a’ight:

  • I made it through to the second year of university without so much as a hiccup
  • I had the longest summer holiday known to man
  • I had an epiphany in that being unemployed on the longest summer holiday known to man gets boring…. FAST
  • I passed my driving test after 3 attempts!
  • I went through 2 tires, lost 1 wing mirror,  got 3 tickets, paid 1 clamp release fee and have nearly lost my “No Claims bonus” 5 times
  • I cut off all of my hair (“a number one please…keep the sideburns”)
  • I got the chance to eat Thai, Lebanese, Tex-Mex, Indian, American, Italian, Japanese and Chinese food (A career as a food critique maybe?)
  • I bought lots of shoes/sneakers/trainers and in doing so I accidentally stumbled on what I’d like to do in the future (entrepreneurs FTW)
  • Saving the best till last in all its glory of corny-ness and shameless promotion, I made a good homeskillet along the way (read her blog yo!)

Like I said, my year was a’ight… But ask yourself… How was yours?

P.S. I sure did sound like a shrink in those last sentences  just there didn’t I?



Not sure why this was under the tree for us but we sure did find entertainment from them! Thank you Grandpa for the Magnets!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Roll and Tumbl?

so i’m really thinking about joining tumblr..
i wouldn’t blog like the way i do here. i’d probably just post random things.
but i think about joining it because a lot of my family is on there.
i feel like when i go off to school i’m so distant from the rest of my family, like i never see them.
i never know what’s up with them and i’m always the last to know.
something about me has really changed and that’s how i keep to myself a lot.
i don’t talk to anyone in my family about what’s up with me, and i guess that’s what keeps me out of the loop,
`cause i don’t really stay connected with them.

i loved christmas this year because it was almost as if time went backwards and i was back to where i was before boyfriends.
we got crazy and ridiculous and gossiped with each other about what’s going on with each of us, getting advice from our parents.
or maybe it’s always been this way and i just haven’t been around to see it `cause i’m always so caught up with my “boyfriend” whoever he is at the time. ugh i hate that about myself.

i love my family :)


Blessed Christmas.....

Christmas has just passed but I am still in the Christmas mood. I was on leave since Wednesday where I went with Wai Yue to Ampang. It was a very humbling experience and I was really encouraged by the teachers. Despite their living conditions, there are still faithfully serving the Lord. I am also encouraged by Wai Yue for her work among these people. On Thursday, I went shopping with Sharon and we managed to catch the movie, ‘Avatar’. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the movie. It was also a good time to fellowship with Sharon. It has been a while since we both went out together. Since Eda has to work, she was unable to join us.
Yesterday, there was a morning service at SSGC where the youth performed a musical play then followed by lunch. I really enjoyed the performances and I am really proud of the youth. They did a wonderful and amazing job. I managed to catch up with a few of my friends before I went off for lunch with Wai Yue and Guat Lin. It was a wonderful time to spend Christmas with some great company. We chatted and catch up during lunch and had a great time together. Once I reached home, I continued my mood for Christmas by watching Christmas movie on Hallmark channel on Astro until today.
Though Christmas has passed but I was once again reminded of our wonderful and amazing Savior on this special day. Nothing could compare His sacrifices for us. Let us continue to worship HIM and be reminded of HIS greatness and faithfulness.


This trip

You know, I think it’s odd, that I haven’t prayed as much this whole year as I have just in these couple of weeks I’ve been in Korea.

I prayed that Albertina and I wouldn’t have any disagreements,

I prayed for the alleviation of transportation blues,

I prayed that we would be able to meet up with my friend in Busan,

I prayed for something special to happen,

I prayed for snow on Christmas.

Every single time, God has answered my prayers. Almost immediately.

And I think that’s really amazing.

I have done nothing at all, to deserve any of this, so I am more the more grateful for all these blessings.

I don’t ask for much, just that God continues to answer my prayers for the duration of this trip.

Amen =)


Thursday, December 24, 2009

When Love Bites

I don’t think we realize just how powerful our thoughts are and just how much a seemingly simple belief can effect our life.  From major ways to your views/beliefs about intimacy to small things like can men and women be just friends, these ideas shape our philosophy and ultimately find themselves woven into the very the fabric of our lives and relationships.  I mention this because I personally happen to believe that men and women can’t just be friends because eventually one if not both will start to develop feelings.  That thought was followed by a simultaneous one that a man and woman won’t even embark on a friendship unless one finds the other remotely attractive.  And it’s a belief of mine that I’ve never questioned and therefore have lived by it, until now.  So I’ve gone from thinking, it can’t be possible to wondering if in fact it could be.  The jury is still out so I’ll get back to you on that.  But I most certainly welcome your input. 

Which leads me to the focus of this post which is, believe it or not: can you be friends with an ex?  I was talking with my mother one day and for some reason she mentioned that once a dog attacks a human, they have to be put to sleep because once they taste human blood, they will always have an appetite and propensity to do it again.  I was shocked to have heard that because it’s something I was never aware of previously.  But it made a great deal of sense and it made me think of when “love bites” in the sense that once you’ve experienced being in a relationship with a person, is it possible to just be friends?  Or will your heart always yearn to experience the feelings that so dear to you?  And in those instances is it best to just put the entire relationship to sleep?  Or is one capable of having a platonic friendship with someone you previously called boo?  When love bites, do you go on as if it never did?


Christmastime Is Here Again

Every year I think I truly learn more and more about WHY and WHO we are celebrating at Christmas. It has nothing to do with the gifts (although I enjoy giving them) and the parties (although they are fun) but it is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. Its about remembering the day that He came from His heavenly home to dwell among men for 33 years.

This year, I think I intended to not let the hustle and bustle of what the world has made Christmas out to be, get to me but, instead, it did. I got so concerned with what to buy for family members that I almost forgot about why this is usually my favorite time of year.

I could go without receiving gifts. It’s not necessary for me to receive. However, I’m not sure I could go without giving gifts. I just think that I will need to start thinking of other things I could do for gifts…

I’ve been sort of emotional these last few weeks, too. I feel like I am going to cry at the drop of a hat if I hear a happy or sad story. I think I will need to stop watching Find My Family just for that reason alone. I have some theories as to why I am feeling this way but I think I’ll leave that between God and me.

Well, it’s off to bed for me. I have to be up early so I can go into my office early to finish up preparing documents for an appointment first thing this morning. Oh the life for a paralegal. One thing I can say about my job – it is rarely boring.

Good night all and Merry Christmas! May God Bless You!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ramble number three.

Outside it is snowing, thick like powder sugar. By the time I leave work I will have to dust my car. The drive home will be wet and slippery, and my hands will white-knuckle the steering wheel.

J’s dog is in the office. His name is Bogart, as in Humphrey Bogart. We call him Bogs. He sniffs about, but mostly sits at my feet, near the heater. J has been working all morning on cleaning a serger, which he bought for his wife. Apparently she is quite the sewer. I can quilt, but lack the patience to make it any sort of hobby.

Tiffa and I made cookies last night, which involved Dove chocolate, more chocolate, cashews, and plenty of sugar. By Christmas day I am going to be sweetened out completely.

I haven’t written much of anything lately. What I write is dull and trivial and uninteresting, so I push it aside. I keep hoping I will jump out of this bout of hate-my-prose, because it has been weeks. Characters are flat, dialogue is boring, and plots wearisome. I know I simply need to write, push through the barricade and not care one way or the other.


I Did It

I think we just tied our record for most days without contact at eight days.  But this time it was not me that broke it.  He sent me a text chat yesterday.

I had just happened to switch myself to “visible” because I thought I wouldn’t see him online, as I hadn’t since his last e-mail.  But lo and behold, less than five minutes later I heard the famous *ding* and saw it was him talking to me.  Imagine my surprise.

Anyway, all he was saying was sorry that he hadn’t gotten around to researching the laptop for me.  Which was fine, as I’d already went ahead and asked someone else about it.

There were a few lines of chat, then he left saying “back with ya later.”  But being that I’m a stronger woman now, I didn’t wait around for him.  I finished doing my dishes and then he wasn’t back online, so I went to bed.

Had an e-mail from him this morning.



Tonight I took my baking to a new level.  Usually a new level would be like going from opening a box of Little Debbie Ho Ho’s to making microwavable brownies (kidding.  I’ve never made brownies in a microwave before.  There’s something not quite right about making them that way.)

But tonight for the first time, I made divinity.  Personally I think the stuff is disgusting but I have to say I was pretty proud of myself.  I’m sure there’s more baking to come but so far this week I’ve made over 200 Christmas sugar cookies, a couple batches of fudge, and divinity.  Talk about a lot of sugar!

*I did take a picture of the end result but have been trying for a few hours to get it to load onto wordpress.  (shakes fist)


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brittany Murphy Dead

Actress Brittany Murphy died this morning at age 32.

She went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived.

Fire Department spokesman Devon Gale says an emergency call was made at 8 a.m. Sunday from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to British screenwriter Simon Monjack, who is married to Murphy.

She was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and pronounced dead on arrival.

Brittany’s mother found the actress unconscious in the shower.

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office is reportedly launching an investigation into Brittany’s death.

I am so sad. I loved her movies and personality.

She will be missed.


KStew Is Biggest Celebrity Trendsetter

She’s had a whirlwind year and more hair and makeup changes than a Britney Spears concert, so it’s no surprise that Kristen Stewart topped our readers’ list of trendsetters for 2009. While we love Kristen, those of us at Sugar HQ have a soft spot for someone whose beauty antics were endlessly entertaining and inspiring — the one and only Lady Gaga. We know she’s wild and wanton, and we adore her for it. Baby girl is single-handedly bringing the avant-garde back to pop music, and we wholeheartedly approve.



24 Days of Christmas: Day 19

I think my favourite Christmas movie would have to be… “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”.  Definitely…

I has everything you want in a Christmas movie: comedy (looootssss of laughs), sorrow, action, love, Christmas joy, family togetherness… overall a classic, hilarious, all around good-time movie.

So if you’re in need of a pick me up movie this Christmas, or just some good times spent with your family and loved ones, then this movie is a definite yes!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

So it snowed

And it’s still snowing.  It’s really amazing to us.  We couldn’t wait to get out and play in it this morning. We blamed our rush to get outside on Charlie.  

Doug: Charlie, are you ready to go out?  Do you need to go to the bathroom? I better take him out.

Me: Yeah, he had a lot of water last night.  Let me get my gear on.

5 minutes later…at 7:05 AM,

Doug: Do you have the camera?  

Me: Yeah.  Did you grab some bags for Charlie’s biz?

Doug: No. It’ll freeze on impact.

Me: Gross. But, true.  Let’s go.

Here’s what we’ve done:

  • run around in the snow
  • fallen in the snow
  • Charlie has eaten lots and lots of snow
  • I ate a little snow
  • got snow in our eyes, which is really cold
  • made a snowman, best we could for a couple of Texans
  • kicked snow on each other
  • met a lot of neighbors
  • Chuck made out with Daisy, a Great Pyrenees madame. She’s very regal, you’d have to meet her.
  • Got b-fast
  • Charlie got his paw stuck to the metal grate on the sewer. Sad, but we recovered.
  • Charlie (and Doug and I) learned that the salt for the ground stings his paws.  Avoided salt for the rest of the day.
  • Charlie stuck his face in the snow, all the way up to his eyes!  (isn’t this list fascinating)
  • Got rosy cheeks.  And if you know my cheeks, that’s a lot of surface area.
  • Got really, really cold.
  • Had fun.

Here’s our world-class, Vogue worthy photos from our day.  Love and kisses from your favorite Southern imports making their way in a Northern world.

p.s. more snow expected for the remainder of the day and into tomorrow morning. 

p.p.s. People can’t drive in the snow up here, either. No one is out on the roads and the local news is providing non-stop coverage.  The good news is that our pub is open.  So, it’s fish and chips for dinner tonight!


insomnia and nativities

Merriam-Webster defines insomnia as “prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep.” Wikipedia says it’s “characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep despite the opportunity.”
Frankly, I believe those both to be quite true. This week has been filled with far too many low-sleep nights. I’m sure it’s a combination of things, all of which include stress to some extent, but I sure hope it ends soon…

On a side note, I really love my nativity. I love what it represents, the most precious Gift of all time, and I love the sentiment my own carries. My dad made our nativity ’setting’ out of scraps from the yard at home, fashioned after one that I grew up with. Each year I get another piece or two to add to the display, and I can’t say enough how much I love this part of Christmas. I love re-reading the real Christmas story out of Luke 1-2, and I love celebrating Jesus’ birth! While shopping for that perfect gift or landing an amazing bargain can be fun, I never want to lose sight of Jesus.


2010 Official Gene Marshall Convention+ Photo Gallery

Announcing the 2010 Official Gene Marshall Convention!

You are invited to join Mel Odom and the Integrity Toys team to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Gene Marshall and friends!

This weekend long event will take place the weekend of June 3-5, 2010 in Philadelphia, PA at the Loews Hotel.

For more details, download the official registration brochure today!

Click Here to download the automated, full color Registration Brochure in Adobe PDF* format!


Click Here to download a printable, text only version of this document (you will still need the PDF document to use the links to sign up for the convention).

Also, you can join in the fun online and meet with your convention friends at the brand new official Gene Marshall convention forum! This forum is open free of charge to everyone who wants to see what’s up with the convention (you can join the forum for free whether you choose to join us for the convention or not!).

To visit and join the forum, CLICK HERE


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Things that seem so negative in our lives . . . difficult and trying circumstances . . . can prove to be the best thing ever for me.  In the turbulence, by the grace of God, I am drawn closer to the God I claim to be my most important priority, yet seems to fade to the background way more often than I care to admit.

Justin had an ACLS test, a practical test, that he failed at the end of the term . . . threatening to take him out of the Paramedic program.  We didn’t understand it . . . Justin is getting A’s in the rest of the course and one test came so close to taking him out.

Instead of kicking him out, which the teachers had a right to do, they sent him to an extra 2 day course in Portland to learn more (though Justin felt he had a good grip on it) and take PCC’s test regarding.  He passed it with flying colors.  But the class ended up being great and Justin felt very well worth the trip and extra money spent to taking it.

He still has to take and pass CCC’s ACLS test, which is the first Wednesday in the new term, January.

In the giant swells that seemed to rise out of nowhere in the sea of our life . . . God grabbed our hand, held us up; reminding us again Who God is.  Also humbling us and bringing to light that life is more than what is happening in the here and now but our relationship with HIM is the most important.

Yeah, we have to live life and do our best, but ultimately God is in control and so very interested in our hearts, personally and passionately!  And it really isn’t worth living if He isn’t in the foreground . . . the focus and desire of our heart . . . child-like trust and faith in His ability and the fact HE is everything, everything that we ever need!

We are coming up on Christmas and, again, I feel like we are blessed beyond what we deserve.  A gorgeous tree stands in the corner, chopped down by the resident wanna-be lumberjack, lit to colored glory.  The intoxicating scent of pine brings with it an earthy joy that really spells Christmas.  Stockings hang nearby on the wall . . . deep red velvet, thanks to my mom-n-law’s creative skill . . . the boy’s bulky with small surprises.

Our house is dark a lot these days.  Apparently the lit Christmas tree is much brighter when all the lights of the house are turned off; Sam has deemed himself the official light switch coordinator.

My entire family is getting together at my sister, Kelli’s, house this Christmas . . . we might have to carpool in so we don’t take the entire street to park our cars.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!!  What a day to look forward to! And its only one week away!

All these thoughts of Christmas . . . ultimately, I am grateful for my Savior’s mercy and grace; the ability to be with family and share the goodness of God together!

Blessings on your holiday!



Jag vet, bloggen är nästan helt tom på bilder. Här kommer två från facebook åtminstone, en på luciatåget och en på en konstig Thea och mig på luciafesten.

Självklart tog jag den sista eftersom jag ser bra ut och Thea blev helt screwed up haha.

Claire ställde in, hon är inte klar med sin uppsats! Skönt, vädret ute är inte okej. Ska väl gå in om en timme ändå med Paul, vi vill hitta lite julklappar till hans familj och skicka. Sen måste vi hem och packa igen! Ska inte alls ta med mig mycket för jag vill kunna ha med mig julklappar och förhoppningsvis lite nya kläder när vi åker tillbaka igen.

Åh, vad skönt det ska bli att komma hem imorgon! Det är bra att vi åker tidigt faktiskt, kommer till flygplatsen redan vid halv två. Så då har vi resten av dan till att kolla på julgran (kanske?) och busa med hundarna!



home at last

I’m home! And somehow received what felt like a warm welcome despite record cold temperatures. We’re talking -37 when I got off the plane and -44 by the time we got home from Kevin’s Christmas party. In such weather it can be a challenge to find the motivation to leave the house but fortunately we’ve had no such problem yet. We wouldn’t have thought of missing the annual reunion with his coworkers (who are truly like family) after 3 months to a year away and then Christmas preparations have kept us going the rest of the time.

Kevin has been finalizing his big give and is printing our calendar as I type. I’ve been cleaning the corners of our kitchen and closets but am ready to start preparing for a lot of little gifts. I’m finding I’m not interested in much other than useables and consumables so I’m trying to stick to those themes for what I give.

I’m quite happy with what I’ve come up with but of course I can’t share until I’ve actually given them away…. sooon though!

I’ll be getting my hands on a camera soon since I forgot mine at school so stay tuned!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I wish that the world would come to life. Tendrils of lavender vines weeping ivory roses would burst from the very earth, embracing as each tremulous tress grew larger, until they resembled blades of grass, and I was nothing but an ant against their soaring expanses.
I wish that all four of the skies were visible at one point in time. That they would meet in a dazzling bloom, that I could be held there forever.
In the north would live the fair dawn. The dew would shimmer, the size of a fist, melting away with the coming day. A most fragile light would begin to sputter upon the corners of the great orb, obscuring the stars. And then the colors of morn would belch forth, unrestrained, and terribly gentle, the slightest blue, sea foam green, a blushing rose. And the wide, deep eyes of the doe would linger on the scene, the birds would coo in adoration, the grass would strain forward. Faint wind would bring the smell of silence, of the delicate hope that another morning brings.

In the east the sun would become slick, an exquisite amber, it’s beams oiling my skin, catching the wide planes of my face until I am nothing but the light itself. There would be flowers of every hue there. It would be a brazen world, fearless and extraordinary, color splashing through each tender leaf, almost painful in it’s radiance.

In the south the hushed twilight would be settled. The time between times. The time for dreamers, and dreams themselves. Sapphire would shudder and skim each surface, whittling every being of the night to it’s very essence, the silhouette of their soul boldly revealed to the vulnerable hour. Crushed pines would linger on the air. Dark flowers would bloom at the base of each spindling tree, black and deep blue. The lightning bugs would come to play, their winking yellow lights extending for miles, endless bursts of magic. The deer would sleep then, their paws bent safely against their hides, sinuous lengths of warm brown.

And to the west darkness would prosper. The moon would ripen, until it occupied the length of the sky. The velvet cloak would become impossibly black, raven, starbursts of white light exploding overhead, their cackles heard from afar. The lake would lay, absolutely still, reflecting the moonlight until it hardened, a milky pearl against the striking landscape.

And I would watch each place with equal fondness, cradling the vision of the waning stages. From each direction the wind would find a piece of me, threatening to tear me to willing ribbons, rendering me apart of the ethereal world. Honeysuckle would glide toward me, reminders of happier summers in faraway places. The cradle of a cheek, a gentle kiss, things that I can recall as joyous. Dawns thin, fine breeze would slice at my cheeks, brisk and welcome, determination in it’s purest form. Lengths of cruel, deep thread would burrow through the flesh, darkening, hurting. And then, with a silent kiss, the twilight would leave me empty and yet more whole than I have been. Like Germany. Like love. Like promise.

And tears would roil down my cheeks, seizing each memory that defines me. Color, shape, sound. A fractured scream, the heavy weight of disapproval, dancing in the blistering rain, my head thrown back, a smile born upon my lips, looking out over soaring plains, a quiet, dry corner, a welcome hug, the crash of joy in a human’s face, lighting it.

I would weep until I could weep no more, and each memory had left me, and I would be borne anew.

A river would prance merrily below, willows would play, ivory benches would wait expectantly, steeds would snort and whinny. And those I love would be there, waiting, arm open. And I would laugh, and shake my head sweetly, and wave, and allow the world to take me. My eyes would become stars, my lips the silken petals of a cherry tree, my arms the beams of the sun, my voice the coo of the wind, my dance the pirouette of the rain, my cheeks the face of the moon.

And they would not mourn. They would smile. And dance in my rain, and place my lips behind their ears, tucked beneath curled locks. They would wish upon my eyes, and embrace the warmth of my fingertips. They would idolize the milk of my cheeks, and they would breath me in every moment. In the winter and summer, spring and autumn. I would whistle across the feeble land in the cold, flutter expectant lashes in the heat, kiss flowers in the spring, kick up leaves playfully in the fall, just to hear their dry cracks.

They would live. And I would watch it all.


Obama orders 100 Gitmo terrorists to Illinois

While most of the country is trying to keep Islamic terrorists out of the country, and prevent the growing number of Muslim ‘Americans’ from waging jihad in country or elsewhere, Barack Obama and his Illinois cohorts are doing just the opposite. They are bringing the most dangerous Islamic terrorists in custody to reside in the United States. From Breitbart via AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) – Taking an important step on the thorny path to closing the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the White House plans to announce Tuesday that the government will acquire an underutilized state prison in rural Illinois to be the new home for a limited number of terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo.

Administration officials as well as Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will make an official announcement at the White House.

Officials from both the White House and Durbin’s office confirmed that President Barack Obama had directed the government to acquire Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town near the Mississippi River about 150 miles from Chicago. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting Tuesday’s announcement.

A Durbin aide said the facility would house federal inmates and no more than 100 detainees from Guantanamo Bay.

The Thomson Correctional Center was built by Illinois in 2001 as a state prison with the potential to house maximum security inmates. Local officials hoped it would improve the local economy, providing jobs to a hard-hit community. State budget problems, however, have kept the 1,600-cell prison from ever fully opening. At present, it houses about 200 minimum-security inmates.

Again, once these terrorists are housed in the United States, they will be released into the United States – free to wage jihad on Americans at taxpayer expense. If not, they will be held indefinitely without trial. Hypocrites.

If you live in or near Illinois there will be what should be a very large protest on December 22: Rally to Stop Gitmo Detainees from Coming to Illinois. Get there.

Read a copy of the “leaked” memo at


Cold Weather

I’m going to Kansas tomorrow. My girlfriend is there with her family, and I’m visiting before Christmas. I’m looking forward to the visit, though I’m a little nervous about it all. Especially about how cold it’s going to be. I heard the high there the other day was something like 17 degrees, and the wind chill made it feel like -20. I’m sorry Kansas, but that’s just stupid.

I never really know how to handle cold weather. When it’s hot outside, I say, “Man, it’s hot,” and I sweat. I manage. But when it’s cold, I just say a silent prayer for my shoelaces to stay tied because I know my fingers won’t let me retie my shoes in the cold. Heat inconveniences. Cold incapacitates.

Especially without the right equipment. I once bar hopped through a Minneapolis winter wearing a t-shirt and light jacket. The right equipment in this situation: booze. But I don’t think I’m willing to go through an entire winter intoxicated, so the right equipment generally turns out to be clothing. Equipment that, unlike alcohol, I often misplace or forget.

I went job hunting in New York City for a week one winter. One of my friends has a sister who lives Brooklyn. Since she was going to be in France at the time, she kindly mailed me the key to her loft. I knew it was going to be cold so I brought along a coat and a hat. I did not bring gloves.

It took a while before I actually missed my gloves. The bus and subway weren’t all that cold. But then I came to my stop and got off. The sun had gone down in the middle of a long transit. It was cold, and it was dark. Except, of course, for a smattering of fat, white snowflakes that shot sideways through the air. I knew the address of my destination, but I wasn’t quite sure where I was in relation to it. I didn’t want to spend money on a cab, though. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like I was in a neighborhood where a lot of cabs stop. I found a map at the station and figured out the general way I had to go.

After a couple blocks, the cold hit me. Rather, the wind hit me. Rather, the wind sliced into my hands. I was carrying two bags, and my hands were burning. I started thinking about my hands drying out and cracking, the blood freezing the gashes closed—definitely not good for job hunting and glad handing. I stopped, put my bags down, and blew on my hands like a Dickensian street urchin. I picked my bags up, and the wind continued biting into my hands. I wasn’t sure if blowing into my hands benefited me or not. It may have been best to just let my fingers go completely numb. I was jealous of how warm the Orthodox Jews looked as the occasional one walked by me on the street.

But then my savior came. “Hey, man. We’re walking the same way. Do you need help with your bags?” A middle aged black man approached me, layered in warm clothes and with a thick pair of gloves. I knew I probably shouldn’t have, but cold makes me stupid. I thanked him, gave him my bags, and shoved my hands into my coat pockets, flexing them to circulate the blood. I told myself that if he ran off with my bags, I’d be able to catch him. That’s probably not true, but that’s what I told myself.

We made small talk, and he asked where I was going. I told him some cross streets about a block away from my actual destination, saying that someone was going to pick me up there. Naturally, my new friend/valet was randomly heading just that way, too. After a few more blocks, we arrived at my cross streets. He offered to wait with me, but I said I thought I’d be okay. Then he said he was heading to a McDonald’s but was short a few bucks. I gave him some money, thanked him, and he walked back the way we had come.

I waited a minute, picked up my bags, and walked the extra block to the loft. I climbed a few flights of stairs, unlocked the door, and entered a cavernous, dark room. Rooms were carved out of the loft with thin drywall. I followed the sound of faint music playing somewhere, and saw a light coming out of an open door. “Hello?” I called. The door closed. I called my friend and asked where his sister’s room was, locating it as an offshoot from the kitchen.

I unloaded my bags and heard some movement in the kitchen. I decided to announce myself again. I wandered out, and there was a guy in a bathrobe holding a coffee mug and a bottle of vodka. He knew how to stay warm.

He looked at me relaxedly and said, “Hey. How’s it going?”
Maybe he was expecting me. “Oh. Hi. I’m alright… My name’s Drew—I’m the friend of your roommate’s brother. Did she tell you about me?”
“Ah. Well, I’m going to be staying in her room for a few days, so thanks.”
“No problem, man.”
“Sorry if I disturbed you earlier.” I pointed down the hall.
“Oh, that wasn’t me.”
“Ah… How many people live here?”
“I don’t know. Usually around five to seven at any given time.”
“Well, how long have you lived here, then?”
“On and off for the past eight years or so… Hey, do you want a drink?”

I accepted. It warmed me up. I made it through the rest of my time in New York without any gloves—I owned gloves already, so why would I buy a new pair? As a result, I spent a lot of my time in New York with my hands in my pockets. Luckily, my fears of cracked and bleeding hands did not come true.

I remembered to pack my gloves for my trip to Kansas. I just hope the cold doesn’t put me in a position where I start fantasizing about the virtues of a good pair of long underwear. Not that I own any. Yet.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I can finally say this now since I’m done for the semester with school! What a relief…whooooo hoo :) It ended well and I got 3 A’s and a B. Not too bad considering that I work full time and had a busy school schedule. Now, it’s definitely about time that I get some of my Christmas shopping done. I told myself that I would get on this once I finished all my finals. Tomorrow is Monday and I’m going shopping with my friend in Midland. I’m hoping that I will get most of it done that day. Tomorrow night I’m looking forward to the last night of my Monday Trio bowling league. It will be my last 3 games to bowl for the year until we start back up in January. They will hand out our money after we bowl depending on what place we stood at. Last time  I checked, I think we were in 5th place. Hopefully, we move up some more on our last match tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I know for sure I could use some extra money right about now!

I’m at work until 6 today and it is so nice to know that I don’t have to work on any homework or projects for awhile. I’m probably going to catch up on my favorite tv shows when I get home. By the way, if you are a fan of GLEE…the season finale was awesome! I can’t wait to see what happens next….ohhh the excitement! Oh, and another thing that I’m super excited about is this upcoming weekend, I’m going to Dallas with my family to go shopping and we’re staying at an indoor resort. I cannot wait!!! I’ve forgotten what it’s like to not work on a weekend. I’m very grateful that I’m getting time to spend with my family :)

I hope that everyones had a great start to their winter break and I’ll most definitely keep blogging to you guys. I look forward to Christmas, my birthday(Dec. 30th), and to the New Year of 2010.

Have a good rest of the day!

Until the next blog…



Here’s my heart, no need to worry
The stars above, shine bright in the night
Just call my name if you’re feeling blue
Cheer up, I’ll be with you
Here’s your heart, I’m not feeling lonely
We can make it, hope our dreams will all come true
Go on, smile for you and me

Just a little more time
Let’s stay together, my friend
Won’t you tell me why
Let me know what makes you cry

One day in your life
Don’t you know things can change, my friend
Won’t you dry your eyes
Someday you will find your light

Shining, jumping, singing, dreaming, growing…
So just the way you are

Here’s my heart, no need to hurry
‘Cause no one can take away your right
In every case, you can break through
Realize, I think of you
Here’s your heart, happy-go-lucky
We can make it, hope our dreams will all come true
Go on, smile for you and me

Even if you lose your way
Remember, live for today
Set your spirit free
That’s the only way to be
Believe in yourself

Here’s my heart, no need to worry
The stars above, shine bright in the night
Just call my name if you’re feeling blue
Cheer up, I’ll be with you
Here’s your heart, I’m not feeling lonely
We can make it, hope our dreams will all come true
Go on, smile for you and me


I will repost this every year until I see him again...

“dear joshua,  i love you.  happy 5th birthday” 


It was the Year we became stationed in Hawaii.  One of the purposes of Doug and I becoming foster parents in 2003 was of hopefully adopting a baby boy. In the meantime  we fostered multiple kids at one time who were mainly infants who were born drug addicted or children who were neglected.


Hawaii has a mean drug population who tend to have a lot of children born addicted to crystal meth, a common drug used there. Many of the women who use crystal meth while pregnant believe that if they stop using the drug a few weeks before the birth, the doctors will not discover that they’ve been using.


They think the doctors discover the drug use through urine or blood tests.
Actually the infant’s very first “poop” is tested and this will tell the doctors exactly what the birth mom has been using for the last 6 months.


Joshua was a drug baby.
He was born the 9TH child of the same mother who used crystal meth. EVERY SINGLE ONE of this mother’s children were taken from her at birth.


*Is there anything more fun than having your baby’s first portraits taken?


Joshua was brought to our doorstep at 2 months old classified as “Risk adopt” which meant there was about a 99 % chance of him having to be adopted, and foster parents were considered first after his immediate birth family. When I held Joshua in my arms, I immediately bonded with him. He was perfect in every way. If I could’ve breast fed him, I would’ve. He was a cute little filipino/japanese heritage baby. Doug who is filipino was a perfect match daddy, looks wise.


*When we rode in the van, I’d turn around and pull his big toe and voila! the eight tooth grin showed up


*nothing’s better than a bottle and a nap on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii!


This baby was a JOY to us. We got to purchase his little wardrobe with money from the State of Hawaii. We witnessed his first roll over, his first foods, crawling, words, laugh, and steps. We brought him every where with us. His favorite was the beach!


*Don’t worry,  he’s got a lot of sunscreen on


*I think the sand not coming off him really annoyed him!


He had very little drug problems with delay in development. Whatever withdrawl he went through, he’d already withdrawn with his first fosters. He was a happy, content, chubby and smiley little baby. He liked to have kisses blown on his tummy, his toes pulled to make him laugh, and his first word, “om” (for mom) When Doug and I split up, a VERY difficult decision had to be made. Would we be selfish and adopt Josh and then split,
Or would we give him over to another loving 2 parent home? WE BOTH CRIED. He went to the other home before our separation. One day he was there, happy smiling and with us, a whole family. The next day, with his new adoptive family. It was an Unselfish decision following my own selfish decision. I got to meet his adoptive family. A well off BIG family of 5 other boys and 1 girl, Joshua would make the 7th child they’d adopted. A month after he was there, I came to see Joshua one last time.


January 2007 in Hawaii~My last day laying eyes on Joshua. 

last-day1 He clung to his new daddy, and watched me warily. I finally got his attention, tempting him by letting him play with my cell phone. He had started running during the month he’d been there. I captured him and pinned him down on the carpet. “hug me” I said, “I love you Joshie”
He laughed and played with my cell phone.
His baby hair had begun to be replaced by big boy hair, and his daddy had dressed him similar to the next oldest boy, their 2 year old.
Cute. Since the last time I saw Josh, his dad has sent me one email with pictures. I have emailed him several times on his birthday, christmas , when I think of him… There’s a fine line between bugging the family and “inquring” of Josh. Where has all this retrospection taken me today? ~shoulda woulda coulda’s never helped anyone
~thinking of adopting? DO IT! the experience has helped me become a HUGE adoption advocate. Don’t go overseas to adopt. Adopt from your state foster parent program if possible.
Pregnant and can’t keep the baby? Do the honorable thing and find a precious family that will love your child more than you can ever imagine!!!!! A family that has been crying out for a baby of their own.
~Josh, I will always love you!!! My choice of separating with Doug cost me YOU. For this I will never live down, not in my whole life, will I ever forget you, but I never would have left if I didn’t truly believe you are in good and loving hands.


Hugs and kisses, Your second mommy.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Turn cold...

Ice cold. Like, keep-your-perishables-outside-instead-of-the-refrigerator cold. Ah, mother nature, why must you treat me like your own personal bitch in the winter?

*brikd for bitching about the weather*

I would suppose that all I can really do is bundle up and shut the heck up, but what would it be if I didn’t needlessly complain about it? It would be not entertaining, that’s what it would be.

Got up early yesterday, all pumped and ready to take on the world. For the umpeenth time in my life, I have given up trying not to drive myself hard and opted for a temp agency. By the sound of the terse and stressed lady on the phone that filled me in on all of the details with minimum asking, I see that, even now, this is going to be something that I will do only a few days of the week. I don’t care, really. I am not here to drone my life away. But I don’t like being without cash, so whadaya gonna do, rite?

That is not to say that I think that money and happiness are the same. They are both concepts of the abstract thinking of Man (we who have these big brains that have nothing else to do but measure and define everything we experience). While happiness is all well and good, we somehow decided that gaining that happiness requires a go between so that we don’t have to go on and on deciding on whether three sheep are worth a single steer or some silly thing like that. So it was decided by those who had more steer or sheep that the shiny crap that someone dug up out of the ground wound stand in for it.

(I’m GROSSLY simplifying… insanely, really…)

Now we willingly owe loan after loan, and scrape and save to pay back only interest, and never really subsuming anything more than the junk we think we want. Makes me hope that the next great extinction takes us out quickly so that we don’t recover quite so well…

And that must be my rant, because I really don’t feel like talking about that anymore.

So my birthday is in three days. I really don’t care-care about it. All I really want is a solid day of doing nothing, but I doubt I’ll get that. What I’m asking for (because I think Mom would feel bad if I didn’t ask for anything) is a stand-alone digital voice recorder. I want to keep a vlog and I have absolutely no audio recording capabilities. Unless I’ve been doing something wrong…


Nevermind, I think I’m asking for the right thing. Besides, I don’t think I have the PCI slots for an audio card. And if I’m going to get something huge and expensive, I’d rather buy it myself. No sense in having people gush all over you with lavish things. Always speaks to me of some ulterior motive.

In any case, random pic time…

    Stare deep into the eyes of oblivion… o.o

When you see it, ya’ll niggas’ll shit briks.
(Note: I am Black. No need for alarm. :P )

Also, it’s probably best if you looked at this article before making a mod or game based on a real area. My response lies here under the same title, give or take a page (I don’t know how to link separate reviews yet, sorry…). I already ranted on WP once today… |(…


Thank you, and have a nice day.


The Carolyn/...Something Project

I’m not going to lie.  Michael and I watched Julie & Julia earlier this evening, and it is completely my reason for writing.  Not that I’ve deluded myself into thinking that anyone besides friends, family, and the occasional stalker read this, but still.  My poor, neglected blog.  It needs some quality time.  *petpet*

Things have been quite schooly, as you could likely surmise.  Today was the last day of classes, yet that still hasn’t quite sunk in.  I have one take-home exam to complete, as well as an exam to proctor and grade before I’m done.  Next Saturday, Michael and I will set off for Tennessee/South Carolina for the holidays and for him to finally make an honest woman of me.  Whoa.

I had many grandiose plans of detailing my academic pursuits of the last month or so, but they seem so inconsequential now.  I wrote a lackluster paper on Gesualdo as part of a group Wiki (bee tee dubs, if you’re a professor and reading this, please note that not only are group projects in grad school terrible ideas, wikis are EVEN WORSE) in which half of our group didn’t post anything until weeks beyond the due date.  I wrote a groovy paper about the cyclical implications of the Liszt Schwanengesang transcription that I’m totally digging on right now–I’d love to see this lead to a bigger project.  Dissertation?  Lecture-recital (AHAHAHA)?  I had to give what was supposed to be a five-minute presentation on this paper, but because I got to go DEAD LAST I ended up with about two minutes to incoherently flail.  Frustrating, because when I actually have time, I’m a pretty damn good presenter.

So anyway, most of my work is done for the semester, but because we lead the rock star lives of AIs, we have to stick around much longer.  Womp.  But it will be nice to be around Bloomington and not have anything to do.  Sleeping in is a priority, and I got a jump start on that with a nap this afternoon.  Heh.

Thanksgiving was a fun blur of loooots of time in the car, looooots of food, and loooots of PREEEEEESEEEEEENTS!  Michael’s aunt threw a bridal shower for me the day after Thanksgiving, and I made off like a bandit!  My two favorite items from the haul are the immersion blender and the KITCHENAID STAND MIXER WHAT??!  Oh it’s glorious.  It’s gray and industrial and reassuringly solid and so freaking nifty.  I’ve made so many goodies since acquiring  it–snickerdoodles, cake, chocolate chip cookies.  It just calls to you.  It beckons you.  Sitting quietly on the counter, it lures you into creating sugary, fat-laden concoctions you know you otherwise shouldn’t.  “Come oooooon,” it croons in its siren song, “don’t worry about fitting into that wedding dress!  It’s already been like two hours since you made those cookies!  Shouldn’t you balance it out with a carrot cake?”

Birthday wheeeee!

Speaking of cake, Michael had a birthday!  He turned 23, finally leaving that netherworld of kinda-sorta being five years younger than me, as opposed to four.  I had told him he was entitled to one–count it: one–joke as to that effect before his next birthday, but bless his little (smart, self-preserving) heart, he never made it.  In honor of the occasion, I made a two-layer Funfetti cake with Rainbow Chip frosting (per request), and Alton Brown’s 40 Cloves and a Chicken.  The cake was delicious, but the chicken?  Eh.  For something that took as much labor as it did to prepare the garlic (peeling forty cloves ain’t no joke), I was really expecting more of a garlicky flavor, but it really just tasted like…chicken.  Good chicken, but still.  Just chicken.

In other news, I recently discovered that our cat, Matilda, is a lot more clever than I’ve previously given her credit for.  Two points of background information: 1) in our guest bedroom/office, Michael and I store boxes under the extra bed, several of which are cardboard file boxes; 2) in the past several weeks, Matilda has been on medication (eye drops) for some weird wonky eye thing.  Which she HAAAAAAAAAATES.  It takes a two-person team to corner and subdue her and then dispense said meds (it’s also worth mentioning that we haaaaaaaate this too).

For the past week or so when I’d been sitting at my desk, I’d noticed Matilda’s backside sticking out from under the bed skirt and heard scratching noises.  Knowing she’s a big fan of weird textures (she will always, but ALWAYS lie on any piece of paper she can get to), I figured she was just scratching on the boxes, and let her be.  And she’s kept at it–slowly, methodically.  I never was interested enough to see if she was up to anything, and Matilda was content enough to scratch away, little by little.

Today I noticed from the angle at which she was protruding from under the bed that it was unlikely she was scratching the box I’d previously thought.  So, I lifted up the bed skirt, and what did I see?

A big gaping hole in the box springs liner.


That little SHIT had been scratching away, creating a hole for a HIDING PLACE.  One we could NEVER get to if she crawled in!  And you know what?


She did.

Sigh.  I knew the day would come when I was outsmarted by the cats.  I can only hope we raised them well, and that they use their powers for good, not evil.

And now, to go block the hidey-hole entry.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

my internal filter is working

1) Talking to a plumber recently about payment:

Plumber: “I had communicated the payment information to a male gentleman, was that your husband?”

What I did NOT say: “As opposed to a female gentleman?”

2) Reading a work email that was sent to everyone on my floor:

Coworker: “If you’re a woman and you lost your phone, check the woman’s restroom.”

What I did NOT reply: “Or if you’re a man and a pervert and you lost your phone…”


Ding dong merrily on high...

According to the Dorset Echo newspaper a prisoner in The Verne prison on the Isle of Portland has been caught growing a four-foot cannabis plant in his cell. According to the report the prisoner tricked the warders by passing the cannabis off as a tomato plant, but warders became suspicious when he added baubles and tinsel and turned it into a Christmas tree.

It’s good to see the prison warders were on the ball… or should I say, bauble…

Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!


Ugh, Spanish Class

Spanish class creates plenty of awkward moments. I mean, I am supposed to speak and respond in a language I only half understand. After giving a presentation the other day, my teacher – who is awesome – asked me a question. I had NO idea what she said, so I responded with an easy, “Sí.”

Turns out it wasn’t a yes or no question. Yikes. I wonder if the rest of the class understood what she asked.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

pingo doce

I had a very good day. The swell, of course, is still there and also the wind is taking it easy. Really beautiful, strong waves again in Caparica. After 4.5h in the water I was very much destroyed to the core and had to call it a day.

Resting now I remembered that the flatmates and me found this song the other day. Pingo Doce is a supermarket chain here and every once in a while they play it in the store. For me it is so fun to watch and listen and it will probably remind me of the good times here until the end of days. That’s why I want to share it with you. Maybe someone else feels remembered as well. I have someone particular in mind here actually…


Random (1)

Forgive me for posting another entry with a video in it. I just can’t help it.

I’ll just quote Chico so I can study my shark endoskeleton again.

Hehehe…I just wish the sound was better so we could appreciate just how good these boys are, even humor aside. They’re actually very good. Typically attributed to Gioachino Rossini, the song entitled, “Duetto buffo di due gatti”, or humorous duet for two cats, many say he didn’t actually write it. Anyhoo, it’s really just a cute number, often sung as an encore for sopranos.


24 Days of Christmas: day 7

I heard a funny quote today which has nothing to do with Christmas but its kind of though provoking and hilarious all in one.

The quote was, “automatic side doors on vans are the epitome of stupidity and laziness and lack of strength in modern culture”

kind of hilarious but also like… why (unless you need them for a specific purpose) would you ever need automatic doors.  like can you really not take one second to pull a door open? really….

Anyway enough said….


Sunday, December 6, 2009

geehhh 2

Det är så jobbigt att ha feber! Hur kunde det komma så snabbt, över en natt bara? Hade inte alls ont i halsen innan, eller kände mig dålig på något sätt. Oh well.

Ifall jag har feber imorgon också och det är värre måste jag tydligen gå till doktorn. Dumma svininfluensa-hysteri. Det är inte som att man går till doktorn annars när man bara har feber liksom?

Paula sa att hon nog redan har haft svininfluensan för hon var jättesjuk ett tag i Kina och 8 av 10 har haft den där! Haha, tur att hon inte sa något till mamma, hon hade ju blivit galen. Hon ringer mig i stort sett varje dag för att kolla att jag tvättar händerna och mår bra :D gulligt. Hur som helst, jag har alltid tur med sjukdomar för de är alltid milda (det är bara jag som är en vekling och klagar) så med lite tur går det här bort imorgon.

Nu ska jag käka middag, blev lite sent ikväll!


Going to the dogs

Does anyone else follow shitmydadsays ?

(By the way – since the stepboys came along I have making big big big HUGE efforts to tone down the odd curse. But insist on linking to profane – funny, but profane – websites. Sorry, people. Doing my best, here.)

Hilarious. Especially to my family. Especially at Christmas.

Sometimes I think we should set up some kind of (Stuff) My Dad Says collective.

My own Dad’s mantra at this time of year is Bah… HUMBUG. He doesn’t hesitate to trot out that puppy around toddlers, four-year-olds, Sisters of Mercy. Anytime is a good time to spread misery and despond, as long as it’s Christmas.

But tonight’s contribution was pretty cute.

To set the scene:

Fireworks popping like crazy in the background, much to the discomfort of the Fluffy White Dog, who admittedly is somewhat neurotic. During a particularly big thunderstorm last year, she tried to take cover under a broom.

But I digress.

So, anyway, the fireworks were exploding merrily. The dog was trembling, just lightly.

The Dad chose this moment to say:

Hear that, Fluffy White Dog? That noise out there? They’re shooting dogs, that’s what that noise is.

Fluffy white dogs, as it happens.

I’m just glad he manages to contain the sardonics when the stepboys are around. Kids, as all you Actual Mums know, can be pretty literal. And this is a family where our grandfather used to kiss us goodnight as children with the blessing:

Close your eyes or I’ll have to hit you with my stick with nails in it!

Nice one, Gramps.

On the other end of the spectrum is my Mamma. She’s bought each of her six(!) stepgrandkids a Fair Trade Christmas ornament to hang on the tree, and is currently in the process of sewing little calico bags to store them in, to be embroidered with each of their names.

How these two people have sustained a devoted marriage of over thirty-five years standing is still a bit of a boggle to me sometimes.

May the Lovely Man and I do likewise!



Aint sure to be happy or sad. Work starts tmr and shall cease on the 31st of this month. I should be happy becos i see $$ rolling into my bank account and I wanna save up for the aussie trip next dec!! But I’m sad becos I’m not that keen to go into this mundane life, although it’s only for a short period of three weeks. Well, money is the only motivation for me, at least for now. LOL.

After 3 months of pia-ing in uni and 3 months of no time to think about anything other thing except sch and assignment, I feel bit weird to be suddenly so free. As in really free that I dont know what to do so I decided to paint my nails, pack my room etc. Just wanna keep myself busy like before. I realised I complained alot during uni sch term like I have no time for this for that… now I’m complaining for being too free. How ironic. hahaha. But it’s true, I dont like being free now, becos immediately after exams, i started to fret over some emo and unhappy stuff, whereby these things are usually easily shrug away during the past 3 mths (simply becos I’m too busy and too worried abt my sch stuff to care or think of these stuff). Must be too free now. So thinking positivley, work could keep my thoughts occupied actually. Should be happy about it. YEAH I SHOULD.

Just declared econs as my major ystd. I’m seriously quite afraid about it. I”m taking one step at a time. I took sociology module too. Just in case I realised I’m not up to it for econs, I shall change my major to socio nxt sem. But of course, I really really really hope that I can cope with econs well becos after all, my reason for entering fass was partly due to econs and even until now, i still believe that studying econs is the most practical choice. So well. I wanna pray hard hard.

With Love,

Rui Min


Saturday, December 5, 2009

It is snowing (on my blog)...

… but because the background is white you don’t really notice it.  Trying to change the background to a different colour but can’t figure out how to do it!

Ah well, paying too much attention to watching the X Factor anyway (yes, I watch trash TV; Sis has gone home so I’m bored).

That’s all :)


Wooo new shop. Let's all flock there

Occasionally it can be quite hard to think of topics to write about, and occasionally you overhear something so stupid, so idiotic, that it inspires you. Welcome to the world of me.

New shop opened in Gillingham high street today (I think it was today anyway), it’s another one of those random electric-based second hand shops, selling CD’s, DVD’s, TV’s etc really cheaply. Since it’s new and cheap, the queues were quite long. I’m usually ok with queues, as long as I don’t have to be anywhere, this queue however really annoyed me for two reasons;

  1. No mp3 player. Normally this is the sole reason I don’t mind queues, just gives me a chance to stand there listening to music, is relaxing. Today however my mp3 player had no power, so couldn’t bring it.
  2. The woman behind me.


This person, was beyond annoying. The minute she joined the queue she was complaining about how long it was. Now maybe it’s just me, but if I see a queue that I consider too long, I don’t queue. That’s the thing about shopping queues, you can see how long they are, handy isn’t it? It’s an entertainment shop, so it’s highly unlikely she was buying anything she really desperately needed. This complaining went on for THE ENTIRE QUEUE. Now, this alone isn’t enough to warrant me calling her stupid I know, just annoying but when we got to the end I heard her say something which was so annoying, so stupid, so beyond comprehension, that I wanted to sterilise her. She was in a conversation with someone who asked how her kid was doing;

“oh she’s fine. There’s a few kids she knew from playgroup who go to her school as well so she’s fine.”

“that’s good. She at home?”

“no, she’s waiting outside”

Just to reiterate; this woman left her (obviously very young) child OUTSIDE A STORE, ON HER OWN. But it got worse a few minutes later;

“this queue is taking forever. If {insert childs name here, I didn’t quite catch it} isn’t still outside when I finish here, I’m taking this place to fucking court, this queue is fucking ridiculous”

Yes, after abandoning her child outside, the woman would blame the shop if the kid got abducted. This woman, should not be allowed to breed, and I feel very sorry for her child. With parenting like that, I wouldn’t really be surprised if the kid turned out messed up when she grew up (which of course, wouldn’t be the mother’s fault, it would be the fault of the evil television and music). I never really fault it would be possible to feel a moral obligation to kidnap a child.

Outside the shop (back on topic) was another new stall; a soup shop, offering free soup for the day. Ordinarily I would take them up their offer, I love free stuff, but there’s something about free soup which seems a bit hobo-ey. Yup, I’m ending this blog with the word; hobo-ey.


Cool Site Right?

Right! You guys ever wanted to just come up with a completely different alias?

Well this site is “For anyone who’s ever wished he could take on an entirely new persona after an embarrassing night on the town.”

LOL … I did it, and my name is:

Ida R. Childers and I live at 1101 Woodridge Lane, Memphis, TN 38115
  • 901-317-9169
  • November 24, 1956
  • Media planner


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Looking Back

Last weekend I was back in Preston for a friends (well two friends!) wedding, which was a great opportunity to catch up with lots of people. Also though, I found it really weird to be back in Preston. Preston was “home” to me for three years and I’ve now not lived there for nearly as long, so as the train was going through Preston and I saw my old lecture halls, my old flat and places once so familiar I got to thinking about how much I have changed and how I am not the same person that left Preston (which is a good thing!)

Seeing places evoked memories (good and bad) and the more I saw and thought, the more I realised that God has been changing me and as much as I didn’t want my time at uni and CU and church there to end, I’m really glad it did!

Maybe the above doesn’t make any sense to anyone else . . . sorry!

Also, found this video (through some facebooks statuses!) which kinda underlines the above! When I was on UClan CU committee, I grew to having some of these convictions but wouldn’t have verbalised them like this, or held them so strongly. It’s so great to see that the CU has grown in boldness and is totally set on the vision on “Living for Jesus and Speaking for Jesus” on their campus with a passion that is so strong!

How great is God!?


Melancholy and Random Thoughts

I haven’t posted in ages because I’ve been in one of those periods where everything seems grey and not worth doing. Eventually you just need to kick yourself in the ass, pick yourself up by the scruff of your neck (or whatever cliché fits your fancy) and stop moaning about everything. So here I am.

Thanksgiving was a bit sad, as it always is when I’m not in the US – it’s just a normal work day here. It’s always been one of my favourite holidays since it’s one of the less commercial holidays. Thanksgiving is about family and huge meals and being thankful for all of the blessings in our life. And you know what?  To be fair, each one of us is showered with blessings.  Unless something of cataclysmic proportions has happened in your life, you probably have a home and family and friends who l0ve you, and that’s enough sometimes.

I’ve mainly been watching movies or reading at night, not much gaming to speak of. I’m a bit burned out in Warcraft right now, which may be partially to do with trying to level a paladin to 80. She’s mid-sixties now, and it’s just…sooooo…sloooow. Maybe it’s me, I’m probably totally playing her wrong, but god does she take a long time to kill something.

I’ve never been a big console gamer due to my motion sickness, and also a preference for MMOs. But I think what I want to do over the holidays is revisit some old games, and play some new ones:

1. Bioshock. This was a game that I was really, really excited about since the creative was so gorgeous. I watched several people play through a portion of it, but never delved in on my own. I was raiding pretty hardcore at the time, and so I just passed on it.

2. Dragon Age. During my recent meh phase, I haven’t played much. I want to finish this game.

3. Assassin’s Creed II – it’s on my Christmas list.  :)

4. Batman: Arkham Asylum. We’ve got it for the PC, and I haven’t played it yet.

One last random bit of fluff – I just found a link for this trailer, and I am really looking forward to this making it to Europe. (Although every time I see the word “SyFy” I want to punch someone in the manbits.) Anyway, this has potential, and Tin Man was watchable if not wonderful.


Tiger, Tiger, Tiger...

What on earth were you thinking? You had absolutely everything. A hot Swedish ex-model bombshell of a wife, your own private jet, Steve Williams as your caddy, a billion dollars, 14 major championships and you’re probably hung like a donkey. Guys would kill to get what you have and that’s without even mentioning your short game. You are one of very few people that has cheated on your spouse (of whom has two of your children) before cheating at golf. Shame on you. At least all three (and still counting) appear to be hot…


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gold Medal Winner Jonny Moseley On Loveline

Jonny did a very nice job on loveline especially considering this is his first time.  Olympic Gold Medal Skier! Be sure to check him out as one of the announcers on NBC for this year’s Winter Olympics in Whistler, Canada.

Check out his impressive Gold Medal run during Japan’s ‘98 Winter Olympics.

Editor’s note:
Get the Loveline iPhone app



When you spend your whole life in search of something that you know will never come, you must ask yourself: What is the real issue?  I have spent years looking for that one thing or that one person to fulfill me and never found it.  I am being told that only “YOU” can make yourself happy, “YOU” are supposed to fulfill yourself with joy and happiness.  But what happens when you cannot find any happiness or when you do find it and it keeps disappearing out of your life?

It’s like a roller coaster ride that won’t stop or go away, its like feel sick to your stomach 24/7, like the waves of the ocean that never subside.  The roaring thunder and bolts of lightning shattering every path it crosses.  This evil feeling of knowing you cannot and will not be in your happy place ever again.  What it boils down to; “TRUST”.

Trusting people is a very difficult thing, especially trusting yourself.  Having a controlled feeling like that is merely impossible.  I have never trusted people; ever.  The people who have come and gone from my life have all been given so many chances and lost my trust because they have burned my inner soul.  I know that is why I feel good one minute and the next I don’t.  Just as I let people into my life and feel good about something, they let me down and I can’t help but wonder why I let them do this.  In my opinion I really believe we should not interact with anyone then there is no fear of rejection, no fear of living up to one’s expectations, no fear of worrying that you will get shot down for being yourself and certainly not worry about trusting people.  At least if you are by yourself, you only have yourself to work on; you may become a victim of self-destruction, but you certainly do not have to answer for your feelings.

Trust that you can face your enemies head on, especially the enemy that lives within you.  Be yourself, say how you feel and what you mean. Don’t worry that someone is going to shut down that very good in you and certainly try to find the one thing that will bring you back from your lost soul.  Talk to yourself, reach that very part you hate looking for.  And even if it rips your heart out, keep doing it until you have nothing left to dish out.



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He’s teaching her arithmetic,
He said it was his mission,
He kissed her once, he kissed her twice
And said now that’s addition,
And as he added smack by smack,
In silent satisfaction,
She sweetly kissed him back,
And said now that’s subtraction,
Then he kissed her ‘n she kissed him,
Without an explanation,
And both together smiled and said.
That’s multiplication,
Then dad arrived upon the scene,
And made a quick decision,
He kicked the kid three blocks away,
And said that’s long division.



Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Microwaves work

Ever wonder how a mircowave works? Here’s the skinny:

The microwave oven consists of a magnetron tube, which converts electricity into high frequency microwaves. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, like light waves or radio waves, and occupy a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves cause food molecules to vibrate rapidly, creating friction that produces heat which then cooks the food. In other words, food cooked in a microwave simply absorbs microwave and turns their energy into thermal energy, which cooks the food. Microwaves are colourless, odourless, tasteless, and these are not radioactive.

Microwave oven is one of the most energy efficient appliances money can buy today. For example, it takes 18 times the electricity to bake a potato in a regular oven than in a microwave. Microwaves cook from the outside towards the center of the food.

Microwave ovens are faster for most cooking jobs because the energy heats the food and not the oven or the containers. They don’t also heat up the kitchen, especially in the summer time like the other cooking appliances.


Que tipo de livro sou eu?

You Are Mystery

You are a natural problem solver. You like figuring out the best way to do something.

You are very intuitive. You are good at picking up on people’s moods and predicting the future.


You can’t help but being a bit of a detective and a snoop. You always want to know what’s going on.

And while you may have the scoop on everyone you know, you’re not a gossip. You’re a pro at keeping secrets.

What Kind of Book Are You? Blogthings: We’re Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet Minha cara, de fato =O Preguiça de traduzir =~


Little vacation update - no title in mind, so this will have to do...

So tomorrow is the last day of our “vacation”.  I’m sad to see it end, but I’ve been so lazy that I think I need to get back to work in order to feel like I’m on some sort of schedule.  I could seriously sleep myself to death because when I don’t have something that needs to be done and I have the option to not do it, I sometimes am taken over by The Lazy, which results in me laying down and sleeping the day away.  It’s nice for a little while, but then you start to feel like a real bum.  It’s lame.

Today was another nice [read:  lazy] day.  We were going to go into NYC but James’ stomach started hurting badly, so we stayed back at Pat/Marisa’s & just relaxed.  James’ parents went to get some Five Guys take-out for us, then we just took a nap.  Yes, a nap.  Soooo lazy.  But don’t judge – it’s my damn vacation and I can do what I please!  When we finally got up, James’ parents came to get us and we went to see “The Men Who Stare At Goats”.  I thought it was a decent film.  I had heard some negative reviews, but I try not to let that cloud my judgement when going to see a movie.  It was very different.  It had elements of a comedy, drama, and indie film, all rolled into one.  After that, we went to the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton, NJ for some eats.  Had an awesome chocolate milkshake there.  It really hit the spot!

Now James & I are chilling at Pat/Marisa’s with their doggies [Einstein & Tesla].  Pat’s at work & Risa is out with a friend who is visiting from FL.  James is reading one of their bagillion comic books [Risa works for DC Comics, so it's to be expected.]  I’m just surfing & blogging, like I tend to do.  It’s nice and relaxing.

Random sidenote:  I’ve noticed that my face has been a lot clearer in the past weeks, and I read something in a magazine that explains something that might have to do with it – drinking green tea.  I knew that green tea has antioxidents in it that make it so good for you, but I think that drinking so much of it [specifically Wegman's Just Tea green tea - it's the best beverage on the planet!] has helped my skin a lot.  I don’t think that’s all of it – I’ve been using Neutrogena On-The-Spot acne treatment daily, and have been washing my face in the am and before bed.  Those things combined have helped me achieve better-looking skin.  So yeah, that makes me feel pretty good.  Now I just want to lose a few pounds.  When I’m back home, I’m going to get back to my workout grind in a hardcore way, so I guess I should mentally prepare myself now!


Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sometimes I wonder whether people have lost their compassion and have become too absorbed in their own lives. I was out walking the other morning. It was raining and the footpaths were wet. Along the way I passed an old lady leaning against a shop wall. I assumed she was tired and having a rest. I didn’t give her another thought and just carried on walking. About 30 minutes later, in a different part of the city, I turned a corner to find the same lady laying on the footpath.

I stopped and asked if she was in any sort of pain. She told me she was on her way home from early Mass and had stumbled on the slippery footpath. She had broken her two front teeth and seemed quite disorientated. I stopped the next person who walked by and asked if they had a mobile phone. She was a tourist from another country and was more than happy to phone for an ambulance.

While we waited for the paramedics to arrive I counted at least 15 people who walked past us. They either looked the other way or pretended not to see us standing there. A number of cars also drove by but only one driver stopped to help and offer his big warm jacket to the old lady.

Shortly after that the ambulance arrived. The paramedics assessed her and agreed that she needed to be taken to hospital. After the paramedics left, I thanked the tourist for her help and walked home.

The old lady has been on my mind and I’ve been wondering if she has recovered. I don’t know her name but she was a nice old lady and I really hope she is okay.


1st entry

blog baru lagi.. masuk kali ni tah brp byk blog yg aku buat..tapi xpa, blog ni x menggunakan nickname yg aku slalu guna..jd dilarang sama sekali menaip nickname aku kt sini..

slalu guna blogspot, skrg ni nak try guna wordpress plak..knp guna sekut tiger? sbb aku suka makan sekut tiger dan sbb aku garang mcm tiger.. aku br try2 ni, nanti nk tukaq skin bg cun sikit..

raya kali ni cm biasa jugak..hari 1st x leh nk p mana, start dr balik smyg raya sampai la kul7.15 pm, org x berenti dtg, sampai cemuih basuh pinggan, last2 duduk dlm bilik, layan bdk2 kecik ni main game.. hr ni br buleh kuar p beraya umah sedara. Sakit gg aku makan daging byk sgt. Makan la lagi, time makan x ingat pulak

cuti ada lg 3 hari, kuiz n assignment aku x abis tanda lagi..serabutnyaaaaa


Cheer Up! :)

Wang Lee Hom (王力宏) never seizes to amaze me. My love for him grows.

Ever since i have listened to his song 春雨裡洗過的太陽 (from the album《心跳》 or heart beat) i just can’t stop listening to it.

I lol-ed when i heard “世界會等我 它會問我冬天過去了沒”
I thought what an arrogant thing to say, yet it sounded so funny. ;) ) i like it.

春雨裡洗過的太陽 is a “feel good song”. It literally makes you feel good. from the sound of the raindrops, to the tune of the song… It’ll make you feel light hearted.

some of my friends have been feeling down/hurt by some unnecessary actions by some of our other friends, so i sort of dedicate this entry to them

(not that they know i even have a blog XD)

here’s another light-hearted video. :) )
I’m not an elmo fan, but this was just too funny.

(i have linked this to one of them friends :) )
