Monday, September 14, 2009

Cost & Speed, friends or foes?


If you have been experiencing unstable,weird amount of waiting time for your pages to load, or for the data packets to reach you, it’s normal. So dont worry about it.Because you are in Singapore!

According to a research done on internet speeds in different countries(see picture above), you can clearly see that we have much work to do on keeping CONNECTED. Uploading a video here can turn you from a young lad into an old chap like instantly, cos you would probably leave your desktop/laptop on over the night to discover the very next morning that the task is still running or it might have been disrupted/cancelled as there was a transfer error midway. And you would most likely go like, ” WHAT THE HECK!!! ” and storm off to just shut down the power.

In Singapore, the living standards here might be considered fairly manageable for most I guess. Raises on fares, on bills, on tariffs have to be accepted sooner or later, whether you like it or not. But think about it, why do we end up paying high utility bills, it might be due:

  1. Your internet-savvy kids who hog onto the computer all day long to chat, play games and YOUTUBE.
  2. Downloading / Uploading that fail and fail and makes you repeat the process over and over again.
  3. Spending extra time on the computer clicking F5 cos your page is loading too slow or it aint loading at all.

So the act of providing slow internet access,charging high subscriptions for your internet broadband package, GPRS, and electricity. Maybe it’s just a policy to suck your pockets dry.


Maybe we should just count our blessings that we have Internet at least. Some people cant even afford a desktop or even subscribe to internet. And some might not even know what Internet is.

Such a controversy.

Should we whine or should we not?

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